South Florida Bamboo Farm
Mr bamboo this man is a scam! Buyer beware

Construction & Repair

I too purchased from this man who claims to be Florida Dept of Agriculture licensed, a member of the Florida/Carribean chapter of the American Bamboo Society and claims to have several locations. I ordered 2 plants which I didnt recieve, and after sending an e-mail to inquire about when they would ship I became a bit nervous when I discovered him sellling off his goods on craigslist, in Fort Lauderdale Fl. He stated he lost his lease and everything was forsale. (I live close buy this man, and did go to his nursery, however the address was a private house and no bamboo in sight, ANYWHERE) however I did get an e-mail from him telling me this,
"Your ok, I still have another location and dont want to move all my stuff around, your plants will ship in the next day or so"
That was the last thing I heard from him, I sent another e-mail and got no reply. I contacted pay pal and started a complaint, needlees to say, of my 50$ purchase I only got back 16.97$ as the crook is flat out broke, and has no money in a reserve account with paypal.
I found out after the fact that this is "normal" for him on another website called where you can read the posts from myself and others.
I have made several complaints so far to the BBB, Fl dept of Agriculture, which will contact the appropriate law agencies and Paypal who allowed this transaction to go through knowing that he had no money in reserve, and who seems to think I should be happy to have gotten 16$ back on my 50$ purchase. I have also made several inquiries to the American Bamboo Society as to weather or not he is legitimate although I think we all know the answer to this question.
Do you homework people and as the previous person said, dont be fooled by pretty pictures.
However to those of you who are the scamers, we buyers do have rights and there are several places we can file complaints and who knows, maybe one day the police will show up at your door along with the FBI since its illegal to accept money for something you dont send via the internet. Its called FRAUD!

Company: South Florida Bamboo Farm
Country: USA
Phone: 9545130098
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South Florida Bamboo Farm
PAID for BAMBOO PLANT and they NEVER Send it! Company doesn't return phone calls or emails.inTERNET

Bamboogarden nursery
Completely unproffesional

False and deceptive labeling of bedding

BioMetriX LLC Jenni Chau
Beware! Another coporation formed by this local crook in San Jose

Plants - Tree and Bamboo
Rip Off

Bamboo Elements, Bamboo Aromas, Bamboo Minerals, Bamboo Skin Spa
Jenni Chau private label products ripoff cost less than $13 to make sell for $170

Ripoff - don't buy plants from them

Cali Bamboo
Cali Cali Bamboo sent inferior product and refused to reimburse for broken fencing, or provide ANY support - Bamboo Flooring
No shipping - no reimbursement!

Bamboo Maui
Bad Material Bad Installition