Foreclosure Traning, Forclosure, Forclosure School
Foreclosure Traning, Forclosure, Forclosure School And Lead Source Solutions, Learn How Debt Work This company has been withdrawning my money from my acount andI have never received any produce, service or mail from this company what so ever

Construction & Repair

I am writing this report in the hopes of trying to get back what is rightfully mine. This company has been withdrawning money from my account for a while now and I have contacted they, but as you may know, I got no results and this is why I am writing this letter. As of now the company owes me $197.95. Please help me as well as all of the other people that I have read about who are having the same problem with the same company. There really should be alaw for a company who takes advanage of people in such a hard time of need. This second company owes me a total of $204.73 Plaese help as soon as possible. I have talked to a person for both company but they told me that I need to contact the police, as if they dared me to. Please let me know what shoul be my nest step.

Thank you

Patricia p
Miami-Gardens, Florida

Company: Foreclosure Traning, Forclosure, Forclosure School
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Norwalk
Phone: 8004629028
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Forclosure Store
Rip Off The company did not mail the package as requested, Package 624374960048872, was not delivered, I spoke with Ms. Ohara of fedex and explained I did not recieve pkg. I asked Forclosure Store to refund my money. Forclosure

Foreclosure School

Forclosure School
Still ripping me off can't shut them off Forclosure

Forclosure Assistance Solutions
FAS stands for Fake A$ Service No refund No call backs No customer service Ripoff

Wendover Financial
I refinanced and was not in forclosure at the time of refinanceing they put on credit report current was in forclosure and i was not Greensboro

Forclosure Solution - Prepaid Financial Services
Forclosure Solution aka Pre-paid Financial Services rip-off!

Homeq Servicing Corp
Homeq, backstabbing lying crooks

The Forclosure Prevention Center
David Washington forclosure prevention center in ATL will steal your money

Wells Fargo Bank
Ripoff escrow to forclose your home

Ocwen Federal Bank FSB
Ripoff ignore phone calls accepts money but holds it for two months and still files forclosure notice doesn't return money after two months and until I request