Mac Tools
Ripoff to go bankrupt abused & mistreated

Construction & Repair

I heard a rumor that mac tools is struggling and about to go bankrupt. It would serve them justice if they did. None of there major departments know what the other is doing. Total lack of follow through.

They pester and badger, even though a representative makes arrangements to the satisfaction of mac and me the consumer. There customer service is as bad as it gets. I hope mac goes belly up and soon. There tools are junk and its like pulling eye teeth to have them replaced or warranty repaired.

Also never send a customer a letter saying thank you for your payment and have another accusing you of breach of contract for not paying to arrive the same day. Thats plain idiotic. So come on mac take me on. You threatened a legal suit against me follow through you low life #$@!'s. I dare you to make a case that sides in your favor.

Hopefully some rep from mac has to read this. Better take into consideration that i have a credit on one of your trucks before you give me a total owed. You also should consider listening to your customers and when you make a revised deal stand by it.

I am purposely dragging out the last few dollars owed. Hopefully you pay some people way more to contact me than i owe. Youv'e already destroyed my credit so you cant make it worse by threatining. Funny how the same situation was handled friendly and professionally by snap on tools. No threats no statements on my credit they understood that keeping me as a customer of over 25 years was more important than 76.00 past due they simply rolled that late fee to the end of my contract and it was done. Maybe thats why i have over 162,000 in snapon tools and a few hundred dollars of mac.

Which are for sale cheap. Really cheap. Just remember mac that the dicisions you make today you will have to live with tomorrow. You have made an enemy not a disgruntled customer. I can easily see your corporate failure coming soon. Oh yeah your a subsidary of stanley tools arent you. Better go make a report to them as well.

Company: Mac Tools
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Cincinati
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