Gardener's Choice
I purchased three trees, and got three sticks that never grew deceptive company

Construction & Repair

Last year in Ocotber I ordered three trees, Royal Paulownia, In December I received three sticks and come this spring they still have not done anything but remain sticks. These trees were supposed to grow roof high in one year and I am extremely upset and disgruntled because I paid money for trees that never got past the stick stage. I have tried to take care of these over the winter and have not had any luck with these sticks! How can they advertise they will grow roof high

Company: Gardener's Choice
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Hartford
Address: 81961 Country Rd. 681 S
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Gardeners Choice

Gardners Choice
Cashed our personal check and never sent our fast growing trees to us Have been waiting almost 4 months rip-off company

Gardeners Choise
Is a ripoff scam that doesn't give a dam, The trees did not grow

Gardener's Choice
The company is a bunch of ripoff thieves. Hartford MI

Gardener's Choice
They cashed my check for 6 trees and I have not recieved them yet. Hartford

Gardener' Choice
Gardeners Choice consumer fraud ripoff. They cashed my check for $29.47 back in March and never sent the 10 trees

Gardners Choice
I ordered 6 Paulownia Trees in the late summer of 2000. There was a no risk guarantee for these. I planted them and they did not come back the spring of 2001. Consumer rip-off fraud

Gardners Choice
Ripoff screwed others too

Gardeners' Choice
Ripoff, advertised incorrectly

Gardener's Choice
Ripoff over 100 victims on this site alone! HARTFORD Connecticut