Anchor House Financial
Do not do buisness with people of this nature

Construction & Repair

I contacted Anchor House Financial regarding an ad they dispayed on the web stating "Zero down and take over low payments on close to forclosed and bankrupt property". No company name was listed on the ads or the when I called the 800 number so I asked the representative when they finally picked up the phone and when I searched the co. Name while on the phone with the representative. I came across several of the "complaint" blogs and when I read the reports and told the representative I will research more. He Hung up abruptly... So thank you to all who take the time to report possable scams and underhanded buisness practices like the one I encountered, but was saved from.

Company: Anchor House Financial
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego
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Anchor House Financial
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Charged me $199.00 saying they would refund it if I wasn't satified. I did what I needed to get it back still no refund

Anchor House Financial
Anchor House rep hangs up on me when I want more info

Anchor House Financial

Anchor House Financial
Charged me money without services

Anchor House Financial, anchor House Financial Charged me $200 for service I haven't received, and refused to refund me my money

Anchor House Financial
Took credit card #, guaranteed refund, and lied thereafte

Anchor House Financial
Unauthorized billing

Hidden secrets