Carolina Carports - Atlas Buildings
Did not place Huricane Anchors paid for and flipped during Ike

Construction & Repair

Well, they admit they did not put in the hurricane anchors I paid for. Now they tell me there were supposed to be additional braces which no one told me about so it made the building unstable. But all this of cours they say is MY fault!

It cost me and my insurance company over 5000 in damages. I now have no hay for my horses and no place to put hay. My horses have no shed. They actually were INSIDE it when it blew over backward. My neighbor is missing about 200 square feet of lawn where it hit. Luckily, it did NOT hit a human being!

I found out they did not use the hurricane anchors when I contacted the company on behalf of the Insurance company to locate a contact name as to whether the building could be repaired.

These guys made me really uncomfortable, like I was being strongly hit on when I bought it. When I followed up on at least getting a discount to put in a new one they formulated this whole lie about how they took me outside and showed me what things look like with the anchor and bracing and all this stuff that I still don't know what they are talking about.

Ask anyone. I am a freak about my horses! I didn't pay all this money to bring them from Montana just to put them in a dangerous shed!!! I am a pain because I am meticulous and do things right. I relied on them, they did not follow through, and now they are not willing to set things right, knowing that court is a poor option on low damages under 25000.

Just because damages aren't in the millions, does not mean a company should be allowed to fabricate stories to get out of paying for putting potentially human and show animals lives at risk! Luckily all that happened to my horse was two strips of hide that got scalped off. Required penicillin and bute, and I can't ride until it grows back, but with all the time spent on this stuff I don't have time anyway!

Company: Carolina Carports - Atlas Buildings
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Lufkin
Phone: 9366348815
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