Debbie Meyes Geen Bags
Debbie meyers green bags i ordered green bags from the commercial on tv charged me $67.64 it was supposed tobe $16. And some change

Construction & Repair

I seen the add on tv and it said if you ordered now they would double my order for $9.95 total plus ship & handling i ordered one set plus the extra they were to send. THE total amount was tobe $16.64 total they charged my account $67.00 i spoke with them 3 times, 1 time they told me that it would be in my account within 48 hrs, the 2 other times i called they refused to gve me my money back stating i had ordered allot more and i told them i refused anything after that by saying no I am a widow and also 67 yrs old its hard enough to pay my own things without someone stealing money that they were not entitled.

Company: Debbie Meyes Geen Bags
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
Phone: 8663693630
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GPM Debbie Meyer Green Bags
Credit Card Overcharged

Merchandise Direct
I ordered Green bags from a tv ad

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Merchandise Direct
I ordered Debbie Meyer green bags an was misled on the amount and cost of items

Debbie Myers Green Bags
TV says 9.95 plus S&H doesn't say S&H applies to each bag you order even though they come in the same bag

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