Accredited Home Lenders
Why the grief?

Construction & Repair

Problem #1: When we first became a customer of this company I kept receiving phone calls from an unknown number and the messages that was being left was in spanish. I called the number to see who they were and lo & behold it was Accredited. They should also teach their employees how to speak English so that the communication gap is not there, after all we are in USA right?

Problem #2: I had lost my job and was out of work for a little bit so I called the main number to explain my situation and yes they are willing to work with me but at a cost... My home, my life, my family.

I had to evidentially file CH-13 to keep these hounds off my door step. Every time I turned around they was adding more money to the pot making it next to impossible for me pay my monthly bill. I would call them to have them take the money from my bank account and they would try to have more than I had authorized out of the account causing the account to go in the red. And since they were not able to pull out the money they would yet add more money to my current situation. I paid $30k to the courts towards my CH-13 just so i can get away from this company only to get a certified letter telling me that I am still $23k in arrear. This whole ordeal nearly cost my husband his life.

Whenever I speak to new loan officer and tell them who I have as my current lender I cannot explain the look on their faces that describe how they feel about this company. Same on the broker who gave my home to them... All I can say is "what comes around, goes around"

Company: Accredited Home Lenders
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego
Address: PO Box 502480
Phone: 8776834466
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