Riddex Plus
Non-responsive rip off - just says "too bad."

Construction & Repair

I have Power of Attorney for brother and am writing in his behalf.

He is too trusting. He ordered two sets of electronic exterminators from RIDDEX PLUS. They sent him four (4). He was told S&H would be $20 some odd dollars. That sounded right, so he placed the order. Actual S&H charge - - $71.60. For a less-than-three-pound package shipped by UPS.

When he called to complain and request an adjustment - was told "Too Bad, " and they hung up.

He has filed a complaint with Texas Atorney General, but we see that the parent company is called Dynamic Respone Group and is located at P.O. Box 8297 in Van Nuys, California.

So watch out for anything related to that company, as well.

Last straw

Company: Riddex Plus
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Addison
Address: 4201 Kellway Circle
  <     >  


Has not send my riddex order or my money its been months

Riddex Plus
Consumer Report

Riddex plus Global TV Concepts
Company is ripping me and others off in Canada and perhaps other places

Riddex Plus
Consumer Report

Riddex pro -riddex jr -riddex plus ftc action prohibits the sale of this product ftc. Gov

Prime Time Savings I bought Riddex Insect Repelent online

Riddex does not rid roaches like it promises to do.internet Internet

Riddex Plus
Riddex Plus Fraud Fraud Fraud Fraud RIP OFF KING

Don't buy

Riddex Plus
Riddex plus is a joke. All be it a costly one