Heilig Meyers
Out of business ripoff victimized many consumers

Construction & Repair

This company went out of business, I paid off my furniture bill but it's still on my credit report stating that i still owe them XX amount of dollars. It's causing me to get turned down for different loans.

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Company: Heilig Meyers
Country: USA
State: Louisiana
City: Baton Rouge
Address: 4585 Plank rd
Phone: 2253554524
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Palisades Collection
Ripoff keep sending bills for Heilig Meyers on a paid account

Heilig Meyers
Ripoff saying that I owe them money and I do not know what fo

Heilig Meyers, OSI
Heilig Meyers OSI I had 2 previous accounts with these people both accounts are paid and show unpaid on credit report preventing a home purchase for my family victimized many consumers Fort Walton beach

Heilig Meyers
Heilig Meyers Master Trust ripoff charging me with lawnmower they had in the shop when they went out of bisness last 8 years

Heilig Meyers

Heilig Meyers Company
Ripoff dishonest fradulent billing

Osi, O S I
OSI Portfolio, O S I Collection, osi Strategic ripoff deceptive company

Helig Meyers / Palisades Collections
Heilig meyers palisades

Ripoff Everything was good so long as he was selling and when a problem arose then he didn't want to see any part of me

OSI - Heilig Meyers ripoff Fraudently Posting False Accounts on Credit Report Atlanta