JD Marvel

Construction & Repair

I am a collector of lighthouses and I seen in a Sunday paper that there was a lighthouse clock through the company listed. I went on the internet site that was listed for them and ordered the clock paying with my visa card. Well, it said that it ships out in 2 weeks. Four months later I received my clock. It was broken and when I looked at my credit card slip they sent me, I noticed they charged me not once but two times for the clock and I only received one clock. I have emailed them and told them and I get no reply on this. They owe me a refund of this amount.

Idaho Falls, Idaho

Company: JD Marvel
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Champlain
Address: Dept 7212-109 Box 3270
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J.D. Marvel Products

J.D. Marvel Products, Inc
Sent canceled order 3 monts late and double billed my credit card victimized many consumers Champion, NY

Jd marvel Products
Jdmarvel Products ripoff ordered cuckoo clock 5/15/03 still no clock!

J. D Marvel Products
Ripoff Company took the money from my debit account and I never received the clock

Collectibles Today
Takes forever to get product, at least I hope I'm getting the product

Ripoff I didn't get my clock - what should I do?

J.D. Marvel Products, Inc - JD Marvel
J.D. Marvel Products, Inc ripoff I returned a cuckoo clock on 2-04 asking for a refund and I did not receive the refund and have requested monthly for this refund of $l7.90

Water clock rip-off! California

Accurate Clock Repair - Mark Robinson
Unaccurate Clock Repair - No Tic Toc to Unrepaired Clock

JD Marvel Products