Evans Glass
Don't Choose Evan's Glass

Construction & Repair

I recently made an appointment for this company to come out and give me a bid on windows, but they never made their appointment, and never called to say that no one was going to make it. This did not make me happy, especially since I am a business owner and have little patience for unprofessional behaviour. I am human though, and do realise that we all are human, and humans make mistakes. So when they called back and apologetically tried to reschedule, I gave them a second chance.

I had this nagging feeling when I was on the phone with the guy that this was a very common thing, not so much by what he was saying, but by the way he was saying it. This nagging feeling made me do research on the company that I had invited to my house.

On their flyer they say they've been in business since 1976, but according to the Washington Secretary of State they incorporated in February of 1998. According to the Dept. Of L n I, they got their contractor's license in April of 1998. Their previous license was issued just a few days after incorporation under the name Quality Craft Design. There is no record of a previous contractor's license for Evan's Glass.

An interesting thing to note is that both companies, being separate entities, though one was a division of the other, housed at different addresses, had the same UBI number. I have no proof, but all my years in business tell me one major thing: this company has two sets of accounting books; one for the employees and the IRS, and one for the owners. The other posts from previous employees just enforce this conviction.

(As a side note, I must say I found it pretty humourous to read the rebuttals to negative posts about this company. People come to this site to either find dirt, or make sure dirt is known, not to say how wonderful something is. Imagine some happy employee somewhere driving home from work thinking to themselves "Gosh! I just love my job. I work for the best company in the world! I think when I get home I'm going to take time away from my family and my friends just to hop online and see if there are any people on the net who are confused about how great the company I work for is, and if there are I'll take the time to tell them how wrong they are." It doesn't compute.in fact, it's beyond ridiculous. It would be like having one of Stalin's minions tell you [out of true belief, and not from fear of spending time in a Siberian Holiday Camp] "Yes, Comrade, you are Lucky! Everyone should be so fortunate as to be born in USSR. Greatest nation on planet!" All the positive comments also all have the same tone and the same issues with grammar, syntax, and spelling, hence, probably they were all written by the same person, and my guess is that person is either uneducated or went to college to major in football and beer.)

Needless to say, I was done with Evan's Glass at this point, but I didn't cancel my appointment with them as I was curious to find out what they teach their sales reps to say about their company and product. But again, they never showed, and never called to say they weren't going to be there! When they called to re-reschedule I told them to take their unprofessional company and stick it where the sun doesn't shine. Then I found complaint...

If I hadn't already been totally done with Evan's, I was after I read through the posts on this site, because they told me that Robert Jonass was a manager here. Jonass is one of the most base individuals I have ever met who glosses himself over with patent enthusiasm and patent Christian integrity. The nicest thing that I could say about the man is that he is an unfortunate bit of tarnish on the brass of the US military.

To his credit, Jonass is a doctor; not an MD but a PhD, which stands for Philosophiae Doctor, or doctor of philosophy. It's unfortunate that all of his dirty laundry was aired on this site, but I guess all is fair in love and war, and for those ex-employees it is definitely war.

To his discredit, Jonass' idea of advanced sales training is summed up in the concept of advanced lying tactics, which is why His former home base of Sears was never an option for window replacement concerns. I knew his MO and I knew his last know. I will never do business with a company that he represents, because I know what levels of honesty and integrity he represents.

If you read the other posts, it would seem that he is a major problem with the company, and he is, but, more than that, he is a symptom of the real and truly pressing problem; for a symptom is only the veil of the problem at hand, and the only way to get to the problem is to pierce the veil and get beneath it, or in this case, above it: the owners.

The kind of man who would sit down with Robert Jonass and say "This is a man that I can envision representing me and my company" is really only a man in the limited sense of the word, for such a man would be of the ilk that would sell the skin off his mother's back if it would turn a healthy profit, and considering that I was able to trace one of the owners (the publicly acknowledged on, Larry Breuer) to origins in New York, it really shouldn't raise an eyebrow.

Bottom line: I would recommend that no one does business with this company (or work for it). If you did do business and you feel that you have been cheated, wronged, lied to, been defrauded or been a victim of any other sort of wrong doing by Evan's Glass, then don't waste your time with the BBB, or Angie's list, or writing posts here. Just contact you state's Attorney General, and then lawyer up. And make sure you get a good one!

Company: Evans Glass
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Oregon City
Site: evansglass.com
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Evans Glass Eurocraft Windows
Buck MacMillan Steer Clear from Evan's Glass—They lie

Evans Glass
Dishonest, unorganized and a waste of my time

Damon Hill Ceo Of Infinity Investments Of Las Vegas
Is fraud they scamme me out of 10,000.00 selling me fake corp and others too

Evans Glass
This is a horrible company not only to work for but to purchase from

Evans Glass - Eurocraft Windows
Evans Glass - Robert Sabo, Robert Jonas Lied about paid commissions. Not on time nor do they offer timesly draws as promised

Evans Glass
Window installation, bad fit, terrible service, no responsibility for work done

Alpine Payment Systems
Mislead, used

The Window And Door Store
Fails to honor warranty for defective windows... Won't return phone calls, no possible excuse for their piss-poor customer service

Evans Glass
Bargain, wimps, sissy push overs, beggers

All Star Glass Of California
Terrible company!