Marc L Tomeo
Appraiser From H

Construction & Repair

Marc L Tomeo -

I cannot even begin to tell you how unprofessional and damaging this appraiser can be to your business. It begins good and then he tells you how he needs his money upfront because so often he goes unpaid.

Once you pay him however, he never performs. Most times he claims he is having computer or inter-net problems. After waiting 7 weeks for an appraisal on a loan, he finally sent something... A corrupted file which would not open.

Finally the appraisal arrives, but it is dated back 90 days. So a request is made for updated comps, he refuses to do so because he cannot believe the lender would ask for such and besides values had dropped.

I explained to him that because he did not get us the appraisal in time, and 90 days elapsed, the lender wanted current comps. This then goes on for another 60 days, but still no comps. It was amazing we could hold onto the client.

Then he tries to have his own friend contact our borrower to do the loan. Once that fails, he promises our borrower he is emailing a new appraisal report. Guess what he sends? His resume.

Can you imagine in 5 months he still has not performed. This person takes your money, never performs and will at the end try to steal your deal. Watch out!

Company: Marc L Tomeo
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Bloomfield Township
Address: 15 Osborne Street, Suite 207
Phone: 9737482135
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