HC Processing Center
Credit approved account on hold

Construction & Repair

I got a letter from HC Processing center that reads as follows.

Congratulations! Your application for credit submitted through Tri-State Bedding INc was approved, with a credit line to help meet your financial needs. However, because we have not received the original application, the account is on "Hold" and we cannot accept any charges at this time.

Contact Tri-State Bedding Inc today, or call our customer service department at 800-935-3368 ext. 475 if we can be of further assistance.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please give this matter your prompt attention. If the application is not received within 60 days of the date an account is opened the account will be closed and you may be required to requalify (complete a new application and go through the credit process again) to open an account with u.


Customer Service Department.

End of letter.

Now, I don't remember signing up for such a thing, the only thing that comes to mind is that I bought a new craftsmatic adjustable bed and I was told that I can pay monthly. But I don't remember anything with TriState bedding (that's not the name of the company I bought the bed from, as far as I remember).

I got this letter and was afraid that it's a scam, so I typed in my web brower, HP processing center and your website came up. I didn't want to call the processing center before I'm sure that this is a legitimate letter.

Thank You for taking the time to read this and I hope you get back to me quickly.

Company: HC Processing Center
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Springdale
Address: P.O. Box 829
Phone: 800935336847
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