Gardners Choice
Is a consumer rip-off fraud ripoff business from hell

Construction & Repair

Ordered trees from the Garadners Choice Rip Off Co. On April 4 and this is now June 26th., have not seen the trees yet. Have called several times and no one answers the phone. (strange for a business wouldn't you say)

Had a friend look up the company on the Internet and found that this is a rip-off company.

How do I file a grievance and get a refund does anyone know???

Thank you for your help.

Abbot, Maine

Company: Gardners Choice
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Hartford
Address: Dept. EMPL 0465 P.O. Box 8005
Phone: 2078764934
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Gardners choice
Gardners Choice sent money received no trees Hartford

Gardners choice
Gardners Choice is a ripoff company that makes false promises

Gardners Choice
Ripoff consumer rip-off fraud

Gardners Choice
Mailed a check for trees Check was cashed still have not received product. Tried to follow up on the internet consumer fraud ripoff

Gardners Choice
Ripoff for trees not sent, double order/check was cashed Hartford Michigan

Gardners Choice
Consumer fraud ripoff victimized many consumers

Gardners' Choice
Gardners Choice Ripoff False advertisement Cashed our check but didn't send the product

Gardners Choice, Dept EMPP-8605
Gardners Choice ripoff Ordered 10 trees for $29.47. They cashed my check never sent the trees. Missouri

Gardners Coice
Gardners choice, A big RIPOFF

Gardners Choice