John Hauser - poolliquidator
Ripoff. Charged debit card but never shipped order. Now won't give refund Internet

Construction & Repair

May 28 I ordered Top Mount Multi-port from them.

May 29, they charged my debit card full price plus shipping.

As of July 8, they still hadn't shipped the multi-port, forcing me to purchase one elsewhere or lose the customer.

I tried cancelling the order online. They never responded. I finally received a couple Email replies appoligizing and telling me a credit would immediately be placed on my debit card on July 12.

July 25, I finally got in touch with John Hauser by phone, and he appologized for the problem claiming order not shipping was because of him having been in hospital and his brother-in-law running the business. He then, again, said "I'll check the credit status, and I promise if it hasn't been applied, by the end of the day today, I'll make sure the credit is placed on your card. I will Email and phone you as soon as the credit is cleared up."

As of July 31 bank statement, still no credit to my account.

Apparently John Hauser, DBA, "a subsidiary of Hauser Enterprises, Inc" (according to the web site) has stolen about $55 from me, and has no intention of actually refunding the funds they stole.

I have tried calling hime several times over the past two weeks, and always get either an answering machine, or a female who says she'll have John call me. But he has yet to actually call or send a follow-up Email.

Found out too late (after this) that despite my MasterCard debit card's advertising claiming "same protections as standard MasterCard credit card" that in actuality, the debit card protects against this type of fraud ONLY if business was located within 50 miles of my current home state, or 100 miles from my home address. Meaning for this case, they left me S.O.L. Since is based in New York.

Company: John Hauser - poolliquidator
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Oakdale
Address: 32 Riverdale Ave
Phone: 6312188007
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Hauser Net Services
Ripoff working for Hauser they don't pay!

Hauser Enterprises, DBA Pool Liquidator
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing. They charged my credit card two times and never sent me the product

Hauser Group
Hausernet haven't been paid since 5/14 and that was for march- july!

Think All Publishing
Bait and switch - fraudulent billing don't


Hello, is anyone at home?

Double charging crooks

Online Supplier
Newave Online Supplier getting credit card information for shipping charge ripoff