Singer Lazer
Scam, no delivery and no response, ripoff

Construction & Repair

AND they are still advertising on TV. No delivery, no product. AND you cant even get them to talk to you or even send you an email. 12 weeks and counting.

I invite all who have been scammed by Singer Lazer to go to the IFCC website and fill a report. Being that they have a website and a phone number. You may have had to ordered from the website to file a report with the IFCC.

Here is the link. Http://www.ifccfbi. Gov/index.Asp

Company: Singer Lazer
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 4540 Worth Street
Phone: 8007168667
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Lazer Storm
Ripoff Ordered one vacuum, charged for two, did not receive any free items

Lazer Storm Singer
Singer Lazer Storm Ripoff theives nationwide

Someone Representing Singer Lazer
Singer Lazer ripoff dishonest liers take money and run

Singer Lazer Storm
Ripoff Los Angelas nationwide

As Seen On TV Network Aka Singer Lazer Vac
No product received can't reach company no good data untrustworthy

Singer Lazer

Singer Lazer Storm

Singer Lazer Storm
Ripoff, took me for a ride they charged me and nine weeks later and no vacuum

Igia - Singer Lazer Storm Vacuum
Singer Lazer Storm Vacuumigia - Singer Lazer Storm Vacuum ripoff

Singer Lazer Storm
Singer Lazer Vac Fraudulent Advertising