HP Products and Customer Service

Computers & Services

In January my wife, purchased a HP Laptop from HP.com. The laptop cost over $800. She gave me the laptop as a present on 1/22. Around 2/25, I realized that the laptop’s battery lasted about 60-80 minutes before dying. I contacted HP via telephone and was given false information “the laptop should only last about an hour” and was instructed to perform useless tasks, “Drain the battery 100% and then charge the battery 100%. Repeat this process 3 consecutive times and that will fix the issue by rejuvenating the battery”.
On March 16, I contacted HP and spoke with a tech who conducted tests on the computer and determined that the battery is “testing good’, therefore the laptop contains an “internal defect” and needs to be repaired. I explained that I am dissatisfied with the laptop and would like it to be replaced. I was informed that the laptop has a 21 day return policy and the only thing that HP can do is repair the computer. I repeatedly explained that this is unacceptable and spoke with a supervisor. HP was rigid and refused to do anything but repair the computer.
On April 8, I received a call from Charles, a representative of HP. Charles stated that HP would like to resolve this matter and he will be sending me a new battery. I explained that that the battery is “testing good’, therefore the laptop contains an “internal defect”. Charles then stated that I will need to send the laptop to HP for repair. I again explained that this is not an acceptable resolution, as I do not want a refurbished laptop, 2 months after purchasing a brand new laptop. Charles stated that this is the only procedure HP is willing to provide, a “one time service at the service center”. I again explained that this is unacceptable. I explained that the only solution that is acceptable is to return the laptop and give me my money back or send me a brand new laptop. Charles stated that the only solution is to send the laptop to the service center, but if I do not accept this solution, he can get me a 2nd opinion. Someone will be calling me with a 2nd opinion. I then contacted AMEX and spoke with Ravel (ID#42027). I explained the situation and he stated that he will update the case.
On May 29, I received a letter from AMEX, advising me that there is nothing they can do, I need to send the laptop to HP for repair.
On June 2, I called HP and spoke with Louis at customer service. He explained that he cannot help me, transferred me to technical support. I then spoke with Austin at HP Technical Support who informed me that HP requires that 3 attempts for repair be made on the computer. If the 3 attempts to repair fail, then it goes to case management and they determine whether I will receive a new computer. Unfortunately, I need to call back with the case number to proceed. Austin was very nice and seemed competent. I then spoke to Jim, Austin’s supervisor and praised Austin.
On June 2 at 4:37pm, I called HP and spoke with Salman "Zia" Sulaan. He repeatedly asked to trouble shoot the issue with me, to which I repeatedly explained that the issue has already been diagnosed and there was not any need to trouble shoot. I then requested to speak with a supervisor. Zia then placed me on hold. He came back on the telephone after I had been on hold for 63 minutes and stated that this is a busy call time, he is trying to get me a supervisor, but he would like to trouble shoot the problem with me. I again explained that I need to speak with a supervisor, I became irate and demanding. He placed me on hold and at precisely 90 minutes of my being on the telephone, and then asked me to call back later. I promptly sent a complaint email to HP.
June 2, called HP and spoke with Reggie. Reggie explained that I will need to mail the computer in to HP for service/repair. HP will send me a shipping box and label. Reggie explained that there is a 7-9 business day turn around time for the service. I then spoke with Jack, Reggie’s supervisor. I explained that Reggie was quite helpful and registered a complaint against Salman “Zia” Sulaan.
June 3, received a cal from Dennis, responding to my email complaint. Dennis apologized for my experience. I again explained my dissatisfaction with “Zia” and my suggestion that he be fired immediately. Dennis stated that he is making a note of it and connected me to Don, a case manager (877-917-4380x08,12pm-9pm central time). Don explained that he will cancel the repair order placed by Reggie on 6/2 and issued me another case #: 7501970329. Don will overnight a box to me, and this will be able to have my repair done by his personal technician. He will personally oversee the repair, will keep me informed and will follow up when it is complete. Once it is complete, Don will extend my laptop’s warrantee. New order confirmation number: FXE086-01.
June 7, sent the laptop back to HP.
June 14, received laptop back.
June 15, Don called and left me a message. I returned his call. Don is not permitted to extend the warrantee because I already have an extended warrantee until January 21. He can send me another battery or give me a $75 coupon to shop on HP.com. I choose the battery.
July 18, called for Don 877-917-4380x08 and left a message with Jay/Jake. Only and should last 4-41/2 hours, per the advertising of it on HP.com. Jay/Jake stated that He will give the message to Don.
July 19, having not received a returned call from the message that I had left yesterday for Don, I called and spoke with Ivan. Ivan stated that Jay/Jake did not bother to give my message to Don, and that is why Don did not return my call. Ivan, assured me that he will personally give Don the message when Don comes in to work, in the next 20 minutes.
July 20, having not received a returned call from the message that I had left yesterday for Don, I called and spoke with Eric. Eric is now my case manager. I am not permitted to speak to a supervisor, I must complain to corporate office, 650-857-1501. Eric will send me a box to mail the computer back for repair. “I have no other options”. Eric will call every couple of days to update me on progress. Eric will look into the fact that this is the 3rd day that I am calling and have not received a returned call. I called Juanita, and filed a complaint with HP corporate office.
July 20, not being at all satisfied with Case Management’s proposed solution or with Corporate Office Juanita’s filing of my complaint, I email the HP CEO the following:
I was sold a defective laptop and I am dissatisfied with the treatment I have received from HP. I have been ignored, hung up on, calls have not been returned, been left on hold for 90 minutes only to be told to call back later, etc. The laptop has never worked appropriately and HP refuses to stand by their product!
I have 4 pages of notes (which do not fit in the space allotted on this email, documenting every call and complaint, and identifying every HP employee that I have had the unfortunate experience of dealing with.

No idea if I will receive a response.

July 21, I email the HP CEO the following:
I was sold a defective laptop and I am dissatisfied with the treatment I have received from HP. I have been ignored, hung up on, calls have not been returned, been left on hold for 90 minutes only to be told to call back later, etc. The laptop has never worked appropriately and HP refuses to stand by their product!
I have 4 pages of notes (which do not fit in the space allotted on this email, documenting every call and complaint, and identifying every HP employee that I have had the unfortunate experience of dealing with.

July 28. Received a call from Eric, casemanager at HP. The service center cannot replicate the issue. He will have them try again and will get back to me within the next 1-2days. Telephone call was a waste of my time, he was updating me.

July 31. Received a call from Donna, doing a survey on HP’s response time to the complaint I filed with the executive office. She gave me the complaint number for the executive office (800-7560608 option #7). She will make note of my dissatisfaction.

August 1, called executive office, spoke with carol. Carol is going to have an Executive Case Manager look at my case and call me back, should take 24-48 hours. This was after I explained that the laptop has been delivered back to me without a call from Eric. HP package was attempted delivery, we were not home.

August 1 sent email to CEO:
Laptop never worked properly!!!
Customer Service, the worst I have ever experienced!!!
Case Managers, Useless & Dishonest!!!

Hp is by far the worst company i have ever dealt with! I will never purchase anything hp again!

Company: Hp
Country: USA
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