Trend Micro
Double billed

Computers & Services

I paid for my renewal of the trendmicro virus protection on Feb. 22, then I was billed again on Feb. 28th. Since this is a debit from my checking account and it was at the end of the month the double billing was not caught until I started balancing my checkbook. I like your product but do not want to be charged twice for it. Please contact me as soon as possible.

Pamela Nuttall

Company: Trend Micro
Country: USA
State: New Mexico
City: Fort Sumner
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Trend Micro
Double Billed

Tlpy. CO*Trend Micro Ti
Consumer Report

Trend Micro Anti Virus
Double billed

Trend Micro
Double billed

Trend Micro
Unauthorized billing

Trend Micro
Unauthorized charge on credit card

DRI*Trend Micro
Consumer Report

Trend Micro
Consumer Report

Trend Micro
Consumer Report

Trend Micro
Virus Protection company that doesn't protect