Defective Products

Computers & Services

I've a classic Compaq in my own cellar having a poor inverter and lately determined that it'd be helpful to take it back again to use like a copy pc. I looked around for that component till I ran across screenaid on eBay. These were allegedly a high ranked vendor and also the component was just $9 and so I chose to provide it a attempt, the inverter confirmed inside a couple of days however when I blocked it within the display stayed dim. I thought it might have now been a poor lamp, but after inserting the aged inverter in I instantly got a short lighting. I sent screenaid concerning the faulty item...

I recently bought an inverter to get a Compaq v2000. After I place the brand new inverter in to the pc, the little orange lamp about the inverter lit-up however the display didn't. I tried pressing the cover shut switch to display the display however it wouldn't seriously. I place the previous inverter in and could display the my opinion that I might have obtained a faulty inverter. Please react with any info on a feasible alternative.

Expensive &,

Cheers for the regular interest.

It's my plesure to last.

Sorry for that problems we caused for you.

Can you please reveal the type of your notebook and also the component# of the inverter for example 00K3234 to people that are very

Essential for us to verify the issue.

Can you please inform us the customlabel of the inverter for example N7810 to us.

Can you please send us the images to exhibit us thatthe little orange lamp about the inverter lit-up however the display didn't by

Adding the inverter? Can you deliver the images to exhibit us that after you place tthe previous inverter in and could

Display the display? We require the images to verify the issue to ensure that our specialists may resolve the issue faster. Yon

May deliver the images towards the following mail.

Please don't wait to contact us when you have any issue.

Possess A good day.


Screenaid ebay support


Undoubtedly I had been pleased using the pace by which I'd obtained an answer, but was worried from the broken Language. I delivered the required images and info.

Thanks for the quick response. The notebook under consideration is just a approximately 5-year old Compaq Presario v2000.

The part number about the aged inverter was AS0231720B6.

The brand new inverter has component number 4D: 1507089859 and tag HQ137.

Connected are images with explanations of the issue.

Right after I received another mail.

Expensive — ,

Cheers for the regular interest.

It's my plesure to last.

Sorry for that problems we caused for you.

And we've make sure the main one you requested is suitable to yours. So might you mind if you request you to pay for us $2 and we

Resend a brand new someone to you? And that you don't need to return them to us.

Please don't wait to contact us when you have any issue.

Possess A good day.


Screenaid ebay support


Confused I delivered another email...

You did not supply me-any information on how I am designed to spend.

And got another response...

Expensive &,

Cheers for the regular interest.

It's my plesure to last.

I'm so sorry for my carelessness. Would you please be kind to pay for the $2 towards the mail account:

And can you please reveal the purchase identification following the payment. We shall resend you a brand new as we get the cash.

Sorry again.

Please don't wait to contact us when you have any issue.

Possess A good day.


Screenaid ebay support


After investing sometime questioning how I had been designed to email them cash, I chose to perform a small study with this "Best Vendor." I Googled them-and created several unfavorable evaluations and horror tales concerning the organization. I was pissed that I Would become another target of the scam organization and determined they were not acquiring another penny from me. I study that threatening to record them might get me someplace.

I still don't determine what you are declaring and do not see why I ought to need to deliver you more income for something which

Must have been completed right the very first. If you should be not likely to provide me a right solution I'll need to consider this up with eBay.

That did it.

Expensive — ,

Cheers for the mail

And that I have educated my copmpany vessel a brand new one product for you quickly, then u neednot spend any returnm shipping, thanks.

Possess A good day


Screenaid eBay Support


Thanks. Have you got any USPS following info for me personally?

Beloved friend,

I'm the client support from ebay screenaid.

We've reshipped you a different one for attempting today.

The following# is - .

Pls possess a check up on

Every other issue, pls let's understand in the very first time.

I really hope you can pleased with our customer support, we shall continually be there for you personally

Possess A goodday


Ebay screenaid support


I waited for some times before new inverter turned up. It came badly covered and coated in certain gluey material. I blocked that one in anticipating another disappointment. The display did seriously following a couple of seconds, except this inverter created a high-pitched screeching sound. I returned to email them again.

You sent me another faulty inverter. That one makes a higher pitched screeching sound when blocked in and came

Badly covered and coated in a gluey material. I will comprehend one poor inverter however now two?

I got this like a reaction.

Expensive &,

Truly sorry for that.

We're also really discouraged concerning the product.

Therefore to cause you to great, what about giving you complete reimbursement so you can purchase a brand new proper one from your own regional place. IS it

Okay? Since we-don't understand what to complete to assist you resolve it! Wish you are able to understand.

Getting excited about your response.

Possess A good day.


Screenaid Ebay Support

A reimbursement appears to be so as. Would you like your damaged material back?

Expensive &,

Thanks for the notice.

Hi, I've requested my friend to problem you return.

They'll let you know the deal quantity quickly

Pls check your email later.

Possess A good day.


Screenaid Ebay Support

Beloved friend,

I'm the client support from eBay owner screenaid.

I'm so happy to inform you we've problem you return for your paypal account today.

Transaction ID: - .

Thanks a great deal for the purchase, you're a pleasant customer for the kindness and assistance, we feel fairly sorry for

All of the difficulty for you.

Your supervisor I would like to let you know, we've set your title to the VIP client listing currently, you may appreciate much discount and

VIP customer support the next time, we guarantee we're able to do better next time. Beg your excuse!

To be able to enhance our function, we're gonna create a figure regarding customers who bought product from people although not

Pleased with it. Hopefully you certainly can do us a benefit. Your objective would be to perfect anything achieving customers demand.

Thanks greatly!

1. Could you pls reveal which component you're unsatisfied with this organization in this offer? Like the item or

Customer support or others?

2. Could you pls provide us your kindly guidance about my organization?

Thank you for the respectable phrases and remarks, that's significantly essential for all of US. We shall relish it!

Pls feel free to contact us for almost any issue about the reimbursement, we shall continually be there for you personally!

I want you've a great evening!


Screenaid eBay Support


Your eBay ID: linkdude80

Ultimately I acquired my reimbursement, but I'd nevertheless lost per week over this. I sent one last mail.

Used to do not need a wonderful experience coping with your organization. Our first item turned up promptly however it was faulty

On appearance. After this you asked me for more money to deliver an upgraded for something which must have come through correct

The very first time, and also you offered me some unintelligible runaround how I had been designed to email you the cash. Fortunately as

Quickly when I confronted to record one to eBay you backed down and agreed to deliver one free of charge. That one also was faulty

Our advice for you? SHIP WORKING ITEMS. Along with that, centered on what I Have find out about your organization online I'm not

The only real individual that it has occurred to. Nearly every evaluation stated the way you never offered right responses usually delivered

Faulty or wrong items which the damaged language of one's e-mails is extremely hard to see. The way you were able to

Turn into a best vendor is beyond me. Thanks for the reimbursement, (atleast your customer support gets it correct) as well as for the

VIP whatsoever. (though I don't believe I'm going to be returning like a client)

Regards, &

Ps would you like me to come back the faulty items or not?

I got no answer. Normally I left negative feedback on the eBay site. Although I had been there I realized that a lot of their good feedback contains universal communications in the same people created within the same broken english-as their emails, and every damaging little bit of feedback is contested by screenaid responding that it's the clients problem. I believed which was the finish of it, till per week later after I obtained a contact using the subject line "Could you please reveal just how to fulfill you?" after some necessary loling concerning the innuendo I browse the mail.

Hello - ,

Expensive - ,

Cheers for the regular interest.

It's my plesure to last.

Sorry for that problems we caused for you.

And we're so sorry that you simply have offered us an adverse feedback.

And thanks for the recommendation and we've contact the providers to enhance

Such scenario today.

You realize we do buy the product in the provider in a significant number, so

Occasionally we might dismiss to check on the quanlity of 1 or two products. And we

Are so sorry such essue happens you.

And we do apologize for that problems

You realize our people do aspire to resolve the problem for you personally as we obtain

The your recommendation and issue. And we didn't understand it moves like this.

And today hopefully we are able to make a move to fulfill you. Can you please be type

To provide us another opportunity to enhance our support? And reveal just how to do to

Fulfill you.

Thanks for the knowledge.

Please don't wait to contact us when you have any issue.

Possess A good day.


Screenaid ebay support


" you realize we do buy the product in the provider in a significant number, therefore occasionally we might dismiss to check on the quanlity of 1 or two products." Which was their justification. They are doing an excessive amount of company to be worried about quality control or "quanlity handle."

Though I did so get my reimbursement I never got a functional element. I lost per week of my time-on this garbage to no avail. Therefore despite the fact that screenaid might bring a "Best Vendor" marking, PREVENT NO MATTER WHAT.

Country: USA
  <     >  

Purchaced "NEW" LCD & screenaid sent out a Used Item

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ScreenAid,,,,, Yall, Ect
Screenaidstay away from stay away from screenaid!

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