Magic Jack
Assigned a phone number belonging to someone else

Computers & Services

Important. Important. If you are not able to make calls or having trouble with your contact list, please Click Here for fix. This will be your best solution. You should not click here if you do not have this problem.

You are now chatting with 'Virgil'

Your Issue ID for this chat is LTK419096266498X

Virgil: Hello, how may I help you?

Jessica weaver: the free phone number assigned to me during the registering procedure apparently already belongs to someone else whm I have no idea of. When I call my own number a voice mail comes on with an older male's voice telling me to leave him a meassage

Jessica weaver: number given to me was 716810xxxx

Virgil: Please wait while I check that for you

Jessica weaver: I need this corrected asap this nmber is to be posted on my website for a small business I own

Jessica weaver: ty

Virgil: I appreciate your patience.

Virgil: Are facing this problem in every incoming call?

Jessica weaver: np

Jessica weaver:???

Jessica weaver: huh

Jessica weaver: do you understand the question

Virgil: Yes

Jessica weaver: I just received this magic jack

Jessica weaver: plugged it in

Jessica weaver: registered

Jessica weaver: and upon regsitering i was assigned this free number

Jessica weaver: 716810xxxx

Jessica weaver: apparently this number belongs to someone else

Virgil: This number is registered on your name.

Jessica weaver: I do not want my cusotmers claling a number thinking its me and getting whomever this number belongs to

Jessica weaver: yes

Jessica weaver: did u call the number?

Virgil: One moment please...

Jessica weaver: it goes to some guy's voicemail

Jessica weaver: not mine

Virgil: May I have you voice mail address?

Jessica weaver:?

Jessica weaver: whats that

Virgil: *your

Jessica weaver: I never set a voicemail up

Jessica weaver: I just registered this product and still have not set up voicemail

Virgil: Is this your Voice Messaging email address:

Jessica weaver: yes

Jessica weaver: i think

Jessica weaver: its my email I used when registering your product if thats what u r referring to

Virgil: Can you access this email address?

Jessica weaver: yes

Virgil: Voice mail is default setting with your magicjack.

Jessica weaver: ok

Jessica weaver: so now what

Virgil: When you registered your magicjack it will set the voicemail setting.

Virgil: Please check are you getting voice mail in your account?

Jessica weaver: ok I get that part but why is my phone number already assigned to another person

Jessica weaver: do i need to get a new phone number form your service?

Jessica weaver: phone*

Virgil: You number is used by you only.

Jessica weaver: omg

Virgil: You do not need to get a new number.

Jessica weaver: when I call my phone number assigned by your magic jack company

Jessica weaver: the phone rings

Jessica weaver: goes right to some guy's voicemail

Jessica weaver: not my voice not me

Virgil: Please wait while I check that for you

Jessica weaver: i thought we went thorugh this already

Jessica weaver: i have explained this 4 times already to you

Virgil: Thank you for your patience. I will transfer you to a higher level of support. Please hold while I transfer you.

Jessica weaver: ty

Please wait while I transfer the chat to the best suited site operator.

You are now chatting with 'Journey'

Your Issue ID for this chat is LTK419096266498X

Journey: Hi this is Miss Journey, Please give me a moment to review your previous chat. Thank you

Jessica weaver: ty

Journey: Thank you for holding, Jessica.

Journey: May I know when did you registered your MJ device?

Jessica weaver: about 2 hours ago

Jessica weaver: sry make that 5 hours ago

Jessica weaver: approx 1am eastern standard time

Journey: Okay, Are you able to receive incoming call with your MJ number using other phone line?

Jessica weaver: I am not able to set up voice mail when I attempt to dial my number or press vmail on the softphone, the call goes to some guy's voicemail whom I have no knowledge of and asks me to leave a message. I cannot press * 1234 to set up my voicemail liek your FAQ's say to.

Jessica weaver: no I cannot receive incoming calls

Jessica weaver: they r going to this guy

Jessica weaver: 716810xxxx

Journey: Okay.

Journey: One moment please...

Journey: Please run this link

Journey: Please click the link to download and run the magicJack upgrade (applicable for both XP & Vista):

Journey: http://upgrades. Exe

Jessica weaver: ok done i ran it

Jessica weaver: now what

Journey: Please dial your MJ number using the phone handset connected to your MJ device.

Jessica weaver: i did

Jessica weaver: same thing is happening

Jessica weaver: this did not help

Jessica weaver: this phone number belongs to someone

Jessica weaver: some older guy

Jessica weaver: not me!

Journey: As I have checked here in our end, this phone number (716) 810-xxxx is registered under your name: JESSICA WEAVER account ID: 148xxxx.

Jessica weaver: ok that is right that is me

Journey: Please unplug your magicjack then plug it into the back port of your computer.

Jessica weaver: I am telling you this person that has this voicemail might be a local phoen company

Jessica weaver: verizon

Jessica weaver: at& t

Jessica weaver: someone has this number already

Journey: Try to dial your MJ number with 1 before the 10 digit phone number.

Jessica weaver: holy crap i figured it out

Jessica weaver: you guys

Jessica weaver: assigned me a phone number that belongs to a customer

Jessica weaver: already through verizon

Jessica weaver: omg

Jessica weaver: i cannot believe you guys did that

Jessica weaver: this guys is going to be fumed

Jessica weaver: (716) 810-xxxx Type: Land Line Provider: Verizon Location: Williamsville, NY

Jessica weaver: just go to

Jessica weaver: type in this phone numebr

Jessica weaver: number*

Jessica weaver: (716) 810-xxxx Type: Land Line Provider: Verizon Location: Williamsville, NY

Jessica weaver: Search_id=63261450109041733817&lower=1&more_info=1&form_mode=

Jessica weaver: bad move

Jessica weaver: i obviously am hacking into some poor guys accoutn and calling him

Jessica weaver: dont u think you should change my phone number asap

Journey: No, Jessica that phone number is registered under your name, this might be an issue with the number porting porting process from the other phone provider, as the phone number owned by the magicjack company that person might have been a magicjack customer before and decided to port the number to Verizon. Do not worry I will make a report on this to our engineering department in order for them to deeper look into this issue and provide an immediate action to resolve this issue.

Jessica weaver: noooooooooooooooooo

Jessica weaver: this doesn't help

Jessica weaver: i paid for this thing

Journey: Do not change your phone number yet within 24 hours, we will get back to you once we have fixed the issue.

Jessica weaver: i have a small business

Jessica weaver: i just edited my website to add this phone number

Jessica weaver: now there is nothing you guys can do

Jessica weaver: i need this resolved NOW NOW NOW

Jessica weaver: i need a new phone numebr

Jessica weaver: not that big of a deal

Jessica weaver: i just registered this thing

Jessica weaver: i swear i was about to refer this product to over 200 persons through my company

Jessica weaver: is this does not get resolved I want phone number and addresses of whom I can contact high end individuals

Journey: That's why I am making a report on this in order for this issue be resolved... And if you'll change your phone number right now, there will be a charge of $4.95 for the change of phone number. I need to relay this issue first to our upper management in order for them to provide a best resolution regarding with this issue.

Jessica weaver: escalate this chat then to someone hat can get me a resolution

Jessica weaver: wtf why would i pay $4.95 for an error on your end

Jessica weaver: i cannot wait

Jessica weaver: do you understand I own and operate a business

Jessica weaver: I was told this was a RELIABLE product

Jessica weaver: you making notes and telling others will not help me out right now

Jessica weaver: change my number please

Jessica weaver: now

Journey: No, As I have said the only way for us to relay this issue and make an immediate report to our upper management for them to provide an immediate action regarding this issue and all we need is your Full cooperation.

Jessica weaver: or I will copy this chat post it to my website along with 3 review websites recommending or denouncing a product and I can assure you you will rapidly lose customers

Jessica weaver: i will not cooperate

Jessica weaver: your compnay assigned a bogus number to me

Jessica weaver: this poor guy will have already over 50 calls to his voice mail

Jessica weaver: he is a paying verizon customer

Journey: I am informing you that if you'll change your phone number right now, you will be charge $4.95 for the first change, that's why I am making my report on this so that this issue will then be settled.

Jessica weaver: how can u not figure this out???

Jessica weaver: charge me $4.95 I will dispute the charges appearing on any and all charge statements... Happily

Jessica weaver: does this company not authorize you to assist the customer with a fix the issue now mentality?

Jessica weaver: why can u not just assign a new number to me RIGHT NOW then look into it on your own time so I can get phoen calls

Journey: As I have stated, Jessica. If you will change your phone number right now, a charge of $4.95 will be applied on your account for the change of phone number, as our system will process the phone number changed... And that's why we don't suggest you to change the phone number first, as we will make a report with this issue to our upper management, in order for them to fix the issue and change the phone number without charging your account...

Jessica weaver: then how am i supposed to receiev my customers phone calls when the calls are going to some older guy with no affiliation to me or my business???

Jessica weaver: do u understand that no phone number = no business

Jessica weaver: there has to be at least 1 person there where ever in the world u may be that can resolve this right now

Jessica weaver: I have never been mroe upset with a company and you don't even have a toll free cs number

Jessica weaver: I am stuck chatting

Jessica weaver: do u have supervisors?

Jessica weaver: maybe the inventor of this thing can figure this out

Journey: That's why we have our engineers, whom we relay this issue in order for them to fix this problem and made an adjustments on their end.

Jessica weaver: i am sure this isn't the first time it has happened

Jessica weaver: however long that might take

Jessica weaver: no phone number= no business for me

Journey: No. I am already on the last level of support who could assist you with this issue.

Jessica weaver: w o w

Jessica weaver: this is a mess

Jessica weaver: i need an address to write and send a copy of this chat to someone

Jessica weaver: please provide me a complaint address and a phoen number to reach someone

Journey: I am sorry, but we are not allowed to disclose such information.

Jessica weaver: I am filling out a BBB complaint right now

Jessica weaver: so my money goes to whom?

Jessica weaver: you have no complaint dept or anyone I can write to

Jessica weaver: that is what you are saying

Journey: I respect your decision, however I need your full cooperation in order for us to resolve your concerns, however since you don’t cooperate I am forced to end this session.

Live chat operator terminated session without ever resolving this matter!

Company: Magic Jack
Country: USA
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