Scam and cheating

Computers & Services

When their filtering system kept us completely off the internet, they would not answer the phone. Once, we spent 45 minutes on hold before hanging up. When I asked them by email from my office to cancel the account, they started asking for bank account information, passwords, etc. They told us we didn't have the filter installed correctly. They totally ignored the request to uninstall their filter from their end.

They totally ignored my request to uninstall & kept asking for passcodes, etc. I asked them EIGHT TIMES to cancel our account.instead, they gave us info on upgrades, asked for information that THEY had sent TO US! Just a complete runaround!

When our bank changed everyone's card, a payment bounced, but they didn't tell us, & stopped our account. We were charged over $30 for a service that didn't work, AND kept us completely off the internet! They wouldn't even begin talking about a solution until we paid them.

Finally, they did send a program via email to my office account that would supposedly uninstall the program at home, even though they had been told we couldn't access the net. Problem: their filter had cut off our internet access! I contacted our provider, Century Tel, & they told us that we couldn't uninstall the program because a block had been put on our computer by 4safe. They had to remove it themselves!

All of this communication took 6 weeks. Just to cancel our account & get back online! After sucking $30 out of us for a service we didn't get. Not to mention stress!!! *#@*&!!!

Company: 4Safe.com
Country: USA
Site: 4safe.com
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Installed a filter that blocked the internet completely! Even Century Tel couldn't fix it!

Terrible experience

Terrible experience

4Safe Internet
Defective internet filter CUT OFFinternet access COMPLETELY, NO RESPONSE

Took overpayments from my bank account & locked my IP to their website. San Jose California

Software is free but when you uninstall you have to pay or it won't uninstall!

Ripoff directions to resolve problem with unaccomplished results Communication gaps

Cyber Defender
HDDSOFTWARESUPPORTCOM This service is a SCAM. They screw up your computer and make you order their program to fix it

Ripoff scam Ohio

Paretologic Drivercure
Drivercure is malware