Genie Bra

Clothing & Footwear

Our mother needed them-and we use exactly the same size bra, and so I requested and after 6 months, they arrived in and we were so unhappy. I recall today after I requested, the sales person asked basically needed some positions for "extra raise" (for some bucks more/each and offered in models) I said no. (Red-Flag) Today I understand why. No assistance. You'll need positions for these knee-high stockings to put on you up. The bras were COMPLETELY like the things they stated these were NOT within the commercial. The commercial is just a complete REST. Do not buy it. You can visit Wal Mart and purchase this same worthless bra within the youngsters' training-bra area for under $5.00. Pity you people for promoting such in product.

Company: Genie Bra
Country: USA
State: New Mexico
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Genie Bra
A was not comfortable

Genie Bra
Unauthorized charges

Genie Bra
Genie Bra

Genie Bras
Not getting my refund

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Inferior Bra

Tristar Products
Not what they advertised

Genie Bra
Consumer Report

Genie Bra
Genie Bra

Genie Bra
Not what was advertised