Genie Bra
Inferior Bra

Clothing & Footwear

I had been unhappy after I obtained the six Genie Bras. The tv commercial was therefore conveniencing.

The bra provides therefore assistance and it is the substance the bra consists of is extremely slim.

The client service broker agreed to provide me $25.98 back easily might maintain the purchase. I switched the present

Along since I can't use this poor bra.

Company: Genie Bra
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Wallingford
  <     >  


Genie Bras - Tristar Products
It took over 7 weeks to be delivered

Genie Bra
A was not comfortable

Genie Bras - Tristar Products
Think Before You Order a Genie Bra

Genie Bra
Unauthorized charges

Genie Bra
Not what was advertised

Genie Bra
Consumer Report

Genie Bra
No choice

Tristar Products
Not what they advertised

Genie Bra
Genie Bra

Genie Bras
Do not drop for several their Television advertisements