16 year old daughter accused of stealing

Clothing & Footwear

Our 16-year old child got settled from her work, and visited Kohls buying yesterday. She taken care of the main one product she purchased, and quit the shop. She got to her vehicle, when some guy went as much as her and got her arm. He explained you took a ring in a blue-box. She stated she didn't... And showed her her case... She said you would like me to clear my pockets - remove my top? He informed her she had a need to are available in the shop with him. She advised him that she set the ring along when she was trying-on a set of shoes. He explained "Certain... Show me after that it." Therefore she got him back there, and confirmed him wherever it had been. He explained "Okay, I suppose you are able to proceed then". I totally comprehend damage avoidance uses individuals to guarantee robbery is decreased to some minimum. But in my opinion it's likewise their work to ensure they do not place them along everywhere either. He did a half ass work, and my child was therefore injured this occurred. Kohls dropped a household of clients recently.

Company: Kohls
Country: USA
State: Mississippi
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Bad refund policy

Disreputable Company

Paid Cash Refunded Cash AND Gift Card

Kohls cash

Kohls / Jewelry
Waiting for ring to be sized

Customer with Kohls
Kohls Bills and Charges - Kohls Credit card services

No Carriages


KOHLS and the $10.00 discounts?!

Kohls cash is such a rip off