Thirft Store
Wrong price tags

Clothing & Footwear

2nd Avenue Thriftstore, at Franklin Mills Mall, decides to add the cost tags - on almost all their items - with basics! The basics frequently fall-off from handling. Additionally... Sales employees don't choice prices to a lot of products. Often I've discovered a product which suits, a product I truly wish to purchase. Clients aren't allowed to purchase items which aren't labeled! Whose problem is that this? They flatly WOn't cost, label and market products without labels... This isn't customer support. It's unjust to punish the client since the label possibly drops off - labels are within the ground as well as in the dressing areas - or they've dropped down, or never were connected. This shop must alter their plan so they are providing their clients.

Company: Thirft Store
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Philadelphia
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In General
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