Q Productions Stalemate
I haven't received t-shirts

Clothing & Footwear

I am a HUGE Selena Fan and I really hate this is happening. But I am soo upset right now... On March 19th I ordered two Selena t. Shirts the order came to $48.95 including shipping. My cc was charged. On the receipt I noticed they had my shipping info wrong. Even though I double checked it before I sent in the order. So I emailed them and told them of the mistake. I received no acknowledgement of the mistake, my email or the correction... Four weeks later I get a phone call saying the t. Shirts are not available in my ordered size and would I like something else. Duh you have almost $49 of my money yes I would (my question is, if these shirts are not available in my size why is that size still listed on the website?) I have a hearing disability so I emailed a new order instead of calling. I also requested if they had my first order in a large size I would like it instead if they do not go ahead and send me my second order... I also asked them to double check that my correct address was on the form and not the mistaken one from before. Once again no acknowledgement. Now here it is nearly three weeks since the phone call and my email and still no order and no response from Q Productions. Are they going to fill my paid for order? Or are they going to credit the full $48.95 back to my cc? I get no responses to my emails. Tell me something already!!

Company: Q Productions Stalemate
Country: USA
Site: q-productions.com
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Shirts Wrong Size & Won't Return!

Tanga no customer service

Palmer Cash
Ripoff, have not issued refund, dishonest, can't contact

Race Depot
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Evilthreads.com - Evil Threads
Total Ripoff Fraud

Palmer Cash - ripoff fraudulent needs to be stopped

Light My Shirt
The Merchants T Shirts are completely mis-labled regarding the size of the shirt

RIPOFF shorted on custom order Houston Texas

Buyer Beware

Consumer Report