Classy auto
You get what you want to believe

Cars & Transport

Classy auto delivers exactly what you want to hear. They offer nothing that you can't do on your own.
They are not a finance company they list a few lenders on their site but thats the extent of it. There simple links on there site are what lenders pay them to be featured on. But do understand this from a buyers point. They The buyer will need to secure financing on their own and banks are real easy these days to deal with on a car they have not driven, inspected, or truly checked over. Then expected to make a leap of faith and pay you up front, because I hope you would never give up possession with out secured funds in your bank account.

They are not a transportation company but they too have links. Nor a inspection company. If you believe that your 2005 GM product or 2008 Ford will sell more than 25-50 miles from where you live, than the statement there's a fool born every second, then you too are right in believing your chances of selling your what ever vehicle it is are better of by giving a few hundred of your hard earned dollars are well spent. If you do wish to sell something that is unique or classic or truly you have a car that stands out. Exposure will with out a doubt increase your chances of getting a higher return of your investment. E-Bay motors will do that. But you can do it yourself. It will be a whole lot cheaper.

The promise of working with it til sold. Stops when you have endured your last time of giving them your credit card number. As to belief they will get more money, be realistic, just because you pay someone to list your vehicle doesn't mean they have a pool of buyers willing to pay more than market value plus transportation cost. Nor just because you owe more to the bank does it encrease the value of vehicle. Again if it sounds too good to be true than it probably is not. Do your home work Classy Auto is in business to make money. You want to sell something. Will they do more than you can do on your on? If you've researched this to the point that you're reading this than I'd hope you don't don't fall pry to there B.S. Or false promise. Best of luck

Company: Classy auto
Country: USA
State: Nebraska
City: Omaha
Phone: 8003208557
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Classy Auto
False Promises

Auto Marketing Group
Consumer Report

Realty Trade TimeShare fraud
They promise to return money if viable buyers are not found in six months. Not true no buyers no refunds. They should good but do not deliver. Yes, a fraud in the true sense

National Vehicle Marketing
CLASSY AUTO Said would list on ebay till sold one time fee $399 but they charged me again for $369 then $299 one time charge until sold is one time but i had to dispute because they never put on ebay

Auto Marketing Systems
No Refund after 90 days
Not very classy, lying about competition to sell overpriced ads Ripoff Internet

Empire Vehicle Solutions
Consumer Report

Auto Bank Acceptance Corp, Auto Bank
Does not ispection cars just finance cars with autobank with out check until it givres out on you u save auto sales, Plantation

One Stop Motors
Don't be fooled by One Stop Motors

Premier Auto FInance
Refused Repair work Certified by Progressive Insurance