Det. Dennis Ray Buller Office Of Inspector General Tucson Az Mvd
By far the biggest bully you have ever met. He issues tickets for bogus reasons just to shoe he can. This officer is out of control. You go to court tickets dissmissed but time you must take off wk to

Cars & Transport

Misuse of power. DENNIS BULLER OIG TUCSON AZ this creep uses his ticket book as his own personal get you if i want to. BOGUS TICKET bullies small car dealers. But yet his next door neighbor sell cars all day long in his front yard hey Dennis has he recieved a ticket??? This man is by far the biggest creep ever CROOKED COP. Watched him arrest young lady in front of mnd East woman was handcuffed

And yet he put her on other side of truck yo handcuff her from front hummmm odd when there was a woman car why him look like fondling to me but what do I know I just work here. This man is out of controll please video all visits from him beware. Someone gave this sic man a ticket book and badge ayaayayaya

Company: Det. Dennis Ray Buller Office Of Inspector General Tucson Az Mvd
Country: USA
State: Arizona
Phone: 5208382710520405404
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Phyllis babila
Unfair, excessive ticketing in front of my house, only "me"

Consumer Report

Flight, Hotel and Car Rental bookings

Tickets in Time
They way overcharged and then added $34.56 Svc fee and Delivery $15.00 per ticket, so total 2.5X price available at actual venue. Not delivered timely. Had to prod for ticket!

Ticket Master
Ticket Master has no Good Tickets

Metro Entertainment Ticket Plus Biggest Scam Ever! Two Concert tickets for $75.00/ea, but charged my credit card $283.04. No refund or cancellation allowed. Surprise when you get bill. Tickets went up to $109.00, Service Fee 2 x $

2 for 1 airline tickets overcharge for first ticket

Ticket Liquidator
Ticket rip off

Ticketnetwork Direct - Ticket Liquidators
Should be known as Ticket Scalpers I bought tickets on line. I pid $120 for tickets, having a face value of $65.50. The hndling fee was $29, plus $15 to ship. The tkts were purchased from ticketmaster and changed to this company

Red Zone Tickets/Ticket Liquidators Triple the Going Rate - RIPOFF