Usa D.O.E
Desception of the US tax payers

Cars & Transport

Since the 1980 the US tax payers have owned the development of the techonlogy that would have prevented any lack of need for fuel energy. I know what that sounds like. I've got proof. It's in a few forms. One is the death of Stan Meyer of One comes from a study where an area of 15k arces could produce enough biodisel to power our needs at $. 15 per gallon. The last are contained in this letter:

To: the. Secretary@hq. Doe. Gov
Subject: Hydrogen
Date: Sat, 5 May 18:21: 06 -0400

To: The Department of Energy,

Allow me to introduce myself with a video that is less than one minute long. Http:// V=L8GerBIJisI

Now, consider I have been praying since the early 70's that I could enter into a great career advancing our emerging hydrogen driven economy. At this point, I trust it's understood that I'm sure this should have been started a long time ago; And yes I fault the DOE that "Our Emerging Hydrogen Economy" is still not really emerging. I have become convinced that the DOE is against this effort.

My concerns date back into the 1970's. I am aware that the DOE was chartered to reduce our dependence on foreign oil as well as other energy related items that sounded like they were in the best interest of not only Americans but really all people. Re. Http://www.usbr. Gov/power/legislation/doeorg. Pdf

My concern is that nothing in line with that seems to be the results of this department accomplishments. Clearly, what accomplishments?

I will sight a few cases in point of so called "accomplishments".

1.) Who killed the electric Car: http://en.
2.) Stan Meyers h2o powered car:
3.) Genepax h2o powered car: V=Jivb7lupDNU

I'm hear to say that the straw that has broken this camels back is this: Nuclear_Remediation#Brown. 27s_Gas

Brown's Gas remedy for nuclear waste was rejected - ~1992 video (12 mins) featuring New York Assemblyman, Dan Haley, gives evidence for the ability of Brown's gas to significantly reduce the radioactivity of treated samples; yet the U.S. Department of Energy turned it away. Http://video. Docid=411405755714495752&q=Browns gas additional properties#

As a servant to this great nation, I demand that all efforts to inhibit the advancement of this great source of endless fuel be turned around to bring about the energy that will unleash everyone potential to the next level.

I am asking of this department that a upper level person be put in place assigned to me that will get road blocks removed. I have two main objectives to begin with. The first is to clear the way for radio active waste reduction and UL approval of products that harvest hydrogen and oxygen from water for the general public to begin to enjoy.

If you get nothing else out of what I've said, get this: It's never to late to begin to do the right thing!!!

In Christ,
James *
Job 38:28

Company: Usa D.O.E
Country: USA
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