Auto Lease Locator
What a scam, do not believe this

Cars & Transport

On 2/21 I was on Craigslist and there was a car that I noticed that someone was trying to get to take over lease payments. It gave a number of 866-224-4890. I spoke with a man there who advised me that there was a three day trial period for $2.99 and nothing would be charged else wise. If I wanted to cancel to cancel in that time, but then if wanted to keep I would be charged $39.99. That very same day that I choose to do the trial when I went to the website it did not have anything listed in my State. I called back and a woman told me to contact customer support which was 323-247-7673. I indeed did that and a man whom was on speaker phone and did not sound professional, well he was a prick advised he could get into my account and see what I was seeing. I told him well there is no cars in my state as listed in the ad and what the other gentlemen told me. He advised he would send me a copy to my email, WHICH I NEVER RECEIVED. That same day 2/21 I sent an email to (in which I was advised of this) that I wanted to cancel my subscription and I was being scammed. The very same day I started it mind you. WEll never heard back anything from them. This person also advised me of offerings from Stonebridge and how I had 14 days to trial period it. Within in three days I had an $8.00 charge from them. I called them and they said they were just verifying the account and it would drop off.

Now, since all this has happened I have spoke to two managers at the call center (Which is not the actual lease locator) they take calls for several companies. Advised that I should have never been charged this and what had happened. Two managers advised they took all my info and sent faxes to the company and I would be charged back my money. YEAH RIGHT! I have sent Auto Lease Locator three emails and left 2-3 messages to return my call (within 24 hrs as they say) and never heard back. Spoke to a manager today that said he will talk to the other managers and send another fax to them. F* this, it is a scam all the way around. I am having to cancel my card and get me a new one issued just so they will not keep debiting. I am ticked and I see that I am not the only one that has had this problem.By all means do not fall for their bullshit even from the call center, I don't know how many times I was told that I would get a call back, NOT!

So just be careful is all I am trying to say, $39.99 may not seem like alot but to me it is.

Company: Auto Lease Locator
Country: USA
Phone: 132324776738662244
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Auto Lease Locator
Scam all over this, do not fall fo this.internet

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