Rust Consulting
Buckner V Resource Life settement, Rust Consulting adminastrator "Will the Check ever be in the Mail"

Cars & Transport

In a Georgia court ruled in a class action suit in favor of Buckner v Resource Life an Insurance Company. The suit was brought by Dorthy Buckner against Resource Life because Resource Life failed to refund unused premiums on Credit Life and Credit disability policies issued as a part of the car loan. Basically, if you paid off your car loan early or for some reason ended the loan before it's expiration, the unused premiums where to be refunded. Resource Life failed to, so a class action suit was filed. As a result the Court ruled and Rust Consulting was appointed the "Settlement Administrator".

I received word from them in August and sent all the documentation available proving that I had indeed paid the loan off before it was due. I had both "Credit Life & Credit Disability Insurance" covering the loan. I have contacted Rust Consulting on several occasion and all I get is a "scripted reply" when I ask "How much longer for the refund?". The original policy "as stated in court" was to refund any and all funds within a thirty day period. The order as I read it states that the terms of the "original contract are in no way altered by the judgement", so where's the refund and what's taking sooo long!

Today, I started research on "Rust Consulting" and came upon the consumer complaints. It seems that I'm not alone in the "Waiting Game". I will also be contacting the Minnesota BBB.

Company: Rust Consulting
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Fairbauit
Address: 201 S Linden Ave
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