Team one Chevrolet
Sellers tell lies and didnt have great business training

Cars & Transport

I acquired funded to get a 4000 money mortgage was in desperate requirement for automobile so that they offered me a truck that hasnt been examined it went poor and so I named they explained in the future directly into industry for anything with equivalent worth and so I acquired my three-year old boy and down we went i make it happen the confirmed me a 20001 path-finder it had been pummelled only a little i went it and believed well I suppose ill get it done therefore went directly into do paper-work and also the revenue males ricky ginther explained he need More income down which my cost would increase and so I told him sick simply take the truck in witch i currently funded and he explained no i couldnt cause it hasnt been examined but legaly I really could of it had been in my own name-but at that time i wasnt considering therefore to create a lengthy history brief me and my 3-year old boy were quit strolling within the ideal 38 kilometers at home stuck I did so contact and lastly got a trip.

Company: Team one Chevrolet
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Charlotte
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