Coker's Transmission
Dean, general manager cokers are crooks! Their general manager, dean is a dishonest con artist! Please beware!

Cars & Transport

Dean, the General Manger at Coker's Transmissions, quoted me $1000 to rebuild my transmission. I later called Dean for directions to his shop and that's when he changed the quote to $1160. When I stated that he quoted me $1000 earlier then he quickly recanted stating that he will honor the $1000 price since the car is referred from an automotive shop. RED FLAG #1

I took the car in Wednesday, October 5, and was told the car would be ready Friday, October 7th, but when I called Dean on Friday, he stated that they would need an extra day, but since they were closed that Saturday I could pick up the car on Monday. RED FLAG #2

I called on Monday, October 10th, but Dean stated he would call me later that day to tell me if the car would be ready. Dean never called me back, so I called him right before 5pm (their closing time) to pick up my car, but he stated that the car was not ready, but that it should be ready at Noon on Tuesday, and that he would call me. Again he never called. RED FLAG #3

So, I called Dean at 1pm, but he told me to check back with him before closing that day for an update on the car. I called Dean again right before 5pm, and that's when he stated that the car wouldn't be ready until Wednesday, October 12th, and that he would call me with the time to pick up the vehicle. Again, he never called, so I called him before closing, and that's when he stated the car was not quite ready yet because they still had to do the test drive. RED FLAG #4

On Wednesday, Dean stated that my vehicle would not be ready until Thursday because they had to use "special parts" and that was the reason behind the longer wait. Dean stated that he would call the next day on Thursday. When I spoke with him right before closing, he stated that the car was done, but I couldn't pick the car up until Friday, because he was on his way out the door.

Dean then stated that the cost was $1160 with taxes and "fluid fees". I stated that he quoted me the price of $1000 and with taxes that should be around $1085, and that he never mentioned "fluid fees" to me before. RED FLAG #5

Dean stated that those were "normal fees" and stated that "everyone" should know about those fees because they're standard fees. I stated that he quoted me $1000 before and that was the agreement, so that's what he would be charging me unless I couldn't pick up my vehicle on Friday.

I stated to Dean that he was adding on fradulent charges and holding my vehicle to extort more money out of me, and I wasn't having it! I stated that I would be there tomorrow morning, Friday, to pick up my car for the agreed upon cost of $1000 plus taxes only.

I'm furious that I am being cheated and taking advantage of by Coker's Transmissions. When I stated to Dean that I would report him to the BBB and the police he simply laughed stating that he could care less and that they wouldn't be able to pick up my car unless they paid $1160.

I will be at Coker's Transmission this morning at 8 am to pick up my vehicle and pay ONLY $1000 plus taxes. Not only am I afraid of having to argue Dean, but more frightening than that is the fact that I fear Retaliation from Dean. I fear that he will intentionally do internal damage to my vehicle to retaliate from my refusal to be scammed by this Dishonest General Manger.

In other words this is a LOSE LOSE Situation for me. I'm fearful, frustrated and stressed completely out. I was unable to sleep all night. I went online since I was restless and feeling helpless and powerless and that's when I came upon your website.

Regardless of my outcome, since I feel like it's a hopeless cause for me later this morning, I decided to write in anyway in hopes that no one else would be scammed or cheated by these crooks! CONSUMERS PLEASE BE AWARE!!!

P.S. Usually I do my research and search for complaints... But since my mechanic referred me to him through his automotive repair shop stating that if I go through his shop then Croker's would only charge me $1000 I unfortunately believed that they would be as honest as my mechanic. (My mechanic had actually spoken to Dean first and told me that I just needed to call Dean back to set up a drop off time. My mechanic doesn't do transmissions.

Lessons Learned: Still do research despite professional referrals.

Company: Coker's Transmission
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Oklahoma City
Address: 2357 SW 29th
Phone: 4055518995
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