Misleading statements regarding true costs

Cars & Transport

The ikeyless website says that there will be a minimal expense in having your new keys cut and programmed at the dealership. No dealership in the Phoenix area would cut the flip key blanks I bought for my Volkswagen. I had to buy my them from the dealership. Then the charge to program the new keys is over $100.00.

When I spoke to ikeyless.com, they said were surprised to hear of my troubles. Couldn't believe that I couldn't get their blanks cut. They also told me that they were surprised to hear that the VW dealer wouldn't program the keys as a courtesy.

After all was said and done, I saved nothing by buying my replacement keys from ikeyless. I could have gone to the dealership and gotten everything done in one trip. Would have saved hours of headache trying to resolve the problem, and burned much less fuel running around trying to get the keys cut!

Company: Ikeyless.com
Country: USA
State: Kentucky
City: Louisville
Site: ikeyless.com
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Consumer Report

Rip off company


Original Keless
Sold me keys with defective electronics and because the keys had been cut, which must be done to program them, they refuse to refund my money

Jenkins Hyundai
A bait and switch primer!

They really should at least tell you up front if you are buying a used item

Stay away from this one

Condition of items, no customer service

Original Keyless They will send you a scratched up not working remote
