Viking Dodge
Ripoff lied about loan double taxed lied about aftermarket installation failed to keep promises

Cars & Transport

It's my opinion Viking Dodge is one of the most corrupt businesses one could come across. They repeatedly lied about the loan. Bill Rose said the interest payments were divided evenly among all payments. He specifically stated that the loan they were giving me was not like other car loans where you pay more interest up front. I questioned this five or six times, but he kept insisting to its truth. Needless to say, it was false. He also specifically stated that I could pay off the truck loan in 56 payments if I paid an extra $27 dollars each month. He lied. Two days later I went back in and he revised the amount up to $50 dollars each payment. I contacted Bank One and they said this was not true my opinion, this is credit fraud. I took his statements in good faith, and because of these statements I agreed to sign the papers. These statements were false.

I live in Wisconsin, up by the U.P. Of Michigan and was visiting my parents in Illinois when my old truck gave me problems. So I decided to trade the old truck in on a saturday. I agreed to buy a couple of after-market items that would be added to the financing amount on the condition that they could be installed at the beginning of the week. Some guy named Darren assured me he could get the truck in.

He lied through his teeth and out his a@#. When I came in on monday, he said it would be another week. I told him I'd have to drive 600 miles because he couldn't tell the truth. He said he'd give me a free gas card for my troubles.

He lied. I never got a free gas card for that or the one promised to me for filling out my survey to Dodge about Viking Dodge. Not only that, but they left me with an empty tank after they had the truck in. There were only fumes left. Thankfully, there's a gas station across the road.

And these after-market items that were installed were charged with Illinois sales tax, but because Viking Dodge added them to the price of the truck, I had to pay Wisconsin sales tax on that amount and on the Illinois tax.

I contacted the Illinois Attorney General's office. They said I could write in a complaint and they would investigate and try to mediate, but they said they do not have any real power to do anything. I'd have to get a private attorney. Talk about a waste of taxpayer dollars. Why even have them if they don't have the power to do anything.

I contacted Dodge, but they said while they would file a complaint on record, they don't do anything when the problem is with a dealer and not there vehicle. I'd have to get an attorney.

I don't believe I'm the only one who was lied to about their loan. I'm thinking of doing an investigation contacting new car buyers from Viking Dodge to see if they were told similar things about the loan that turned out to be false. One person's testimony may not be enough to prove fraud, but a class action with dozens or more would be enough to sway a jury.

Company: Viking Dodge
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Crystal Lake
Address: 680 W. Terra Cotta Av
Phone: 8154598000
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Viking Dodge
Viking just tell the truth and be honest Crystal Lake

Viking Dodge
Ripoff over $6500.00

Viking Dodge
Contiued to lie

Viking Dodge

Viking Dodge
Just telling the truth

Viking Dodge
Threatened me as well & lied

Viking Dodge
Fraud and scam

Viking Dodge
It has been years since I was ripped off and they are STILL there?!?!

Viking Dodge
Is still up to their same old tricks

Viking Dodge
Viking Dodge cheat, steal and lie, how could they sleep at night! Ripoff