James Craig Brown
Craig Brown dishonest ripoff automobile sale eBay And EBay

Cars & Transport

Because of unusual circumstances (a death in the family), we trusted this seller and handed over cash for the purchase of a van without doing due diligence. Now we suspect the odometer has been turned back (uneven numbers, plus his statements that don't add up, etc.).

Mr. Brown implied there has been one owner before him, and a Carfax report says only one owner period. (They didn't even know about him being an owner.) But the limited paperwork we have signifies at least four owners. Mr. Brown lied about the gas mileage, saying it got between 18 and 22 mpg.in truth, it averages 14 mpg. We found the van through an eBay listing. Mr. Brown took the listing off eBay before we paid him, thus, even though it was advertised on eBay, it was not paid for through eBay.

That makes it an "off eBay" transaction - which means we can't complain to eBay and we can't even post a negative comment about the seller. Go to http://dottie. Clickhere2.net/Cars.jpg for a picture of another vehicle he has listed on eBay. It shows an entire field full of cars. I believe he buys used cars, fixes them up to sound better than they are, and advertises them on eBay. He has a great rating on eBay, but most of the ratings are for him as a BUYER. The few ratings for him as a seller are for small items, like a Snap-on adapter. I suspect that he sells cars "off eBay" so no one can complain.

Company: James Craig Brown
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Mt. Pleasant
Address: Rt. 1, Box 2040
Phone: 9034666877
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Paypal, seller id Rabin70 Fraudulent operation, no buyer protection as advertised, seller can circumvent ebay rules easily

CA Attorney General Brown
CA Attorney general always takes sides with ebay when filing a consumer complaint, as if Attorney genral is Ebay's

Racist auctions

Ripoff purchase automobile and paid for and did not recived automobile

Trgangel - Theresa Smith - Trgangel 1019 Ebay Sellermyworld. ebay.com/trgangel
Trgangel - Trgangel1019 - Theresa Smith Ebay Seller trgangel Sells Counterfeit items on e-bay Illegal seller Sold Fake Purse. Color not even brown. It was black. Very Unhappy!

Bad service

Ebay and paypal

Ebay.com —> Ebay Seller ID: Twinsuns_Online

Buy car of ebay

Consumer Report