Tim Kunselman
None payment

Cars & Transport

Something you all should know about Timmy, doesn't matter what he says to your face or over the phone, if you work for him, honestly work like so many of us do, you will not get paid what you are worth or sometimes not at all. I left an amazing job to work for this guy. Yea ok so he buys lunch everyday. Big whoopty do.

Sexually harassing your female employees on a daily basis, being down right hate full to the other Tim in the office and practically making him lose his house due to promises you made to him, (the one that actually works and can fit behind the wheel of the flat bed), not cool. And what is Denny? Just another one of your puppets I'm sure, but hes a smart guy so I'm sure you'll get yours from him one day soon. You were always mean to Thomas too, treated him like your personal slave and it made me sick.

I'm glad that when you told me "oh, don't come in today, theres really nothing for you to do I'll call you tomorrow and have you run some errands for me." that you never called me. I took it you had fired me. You know, this happened about a year an a half ago and I have spoke to you very minimally since then, but you have still not paid me the $1000 you owe me. I've gotten my hopes up on SO MANY levels with you Tim regarding different things. If you think hard enough, I'm sure you'll know who I am. I hope that one of these days, someone treats you like you have treated all of us. I'm so tired of EMPTY PROMISES from you, but looks like thats all you know.

Company: Tim Kunselman
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 39th and baseline
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Green Tre
E Constant haressment from Green Tree

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Internert india chennai
More info - seoexpertmoz.com He is Getting Hard work from me and treated like a slave for one year and my payment is 1000 Rs. Delhi


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