Rapid manuals.co.uk
Product no use, no refund, no communication. AVOID like the plague

Cars & Transport

I had the impression I was buying a repair manual.

What arrived was a c.D. With FORD hand written on. No instructions, nothing else.

The disc will not open, it is useless. It was purchased as a birthday present. It makes me look a cheep scate giving a useless present.

I have emailed these people six times, and returned the disc. They do not reply.

Needless to say no refund either.

Company: Rapid manuals.co.uk
Country: USA
Site: rapidmanuals.co.uk
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Rapid Manuals
I ordered a manual for my Kia car and payed by debit card on the 30th jan I recieved the cd on te 5 feb but found the disc to be blank, on checking my account I found they had taken another pay

They ruined my Childs 5th birthday

Gamestop.com And Stores
Gamestop.com and stores ripoff with false advertising & lieing mgr. & salesman

Grant CD

Rapid Manuals
5.99 for Rubbish

Ripped off - please do not use this company

Grant Funding Search

2 instructions.com
Manuals network inc received manuals that could not be used, Cuba

Blockbuster In Fountain, Colorado
Horrible Discs

Promised the world and ripped off my account instead