CarWashGuys - Lance Winslow
CarWashGuys And Lance Winslow ripoff Beware Of the dot con who runs a fraud THis guy is the classic example of what not to believe on the Internet

Cars & Transport

Beware of Car Wash and Lance Winslow who operates a pure Dot Con fraud. He claims to be the first Mobile Detailers and Car Wash when in fact he was 7 years behind the inventors of this in Daytona Beach, Florida.

Nothing, absolutely nothing is true on his websites. What he does is start typing and gets carried away and makes up everything. He claims to be this big author but they are his own manufactured books or pamplets. The funny thing is that he writes about franchising but made the basic fraud mistakes. He claimed all the gradious claims to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) investigator.

His address is even a Mail Box Etc drop box and the suite number is a box number. Last seen driving a RV he calls his Corporate HQ. He makes it a point that he has read all 2000 books in his RV, but can't explain how he was shut down and fined $800,000 by the FTC.

Then since his site is totally a fabrication, he claims to "be the only company in the history of the US" to have beated the FTC. He was shut down! Then all of a sudden he claims to be a kin to the Mayflower explorers because he was trying to make a point that he fought the terrible FTC government. This guy is not only a fraud but truely sick and dangerous.

He floods the Internet with fake companys like Detailguys, boatguys, awningwashguys, etc and that makes him ranked higher in the Search engines. Do a Google searh on him and don't fall for his posted sites, but look at the other ones warning of his con artist techniques.

How can a one man operation service and take care of franchises? Would you buy a franchise from a roving RV guy who last seen in Palm Springs or Palm Desert, or Arizona with his wife who was also charged in the FTC fine and shut down. THe website appears legit if you don't know better, but even the investigators said he just is full of himself. He barely graduated from High School, but claims an expert in everything.

After the FTC shut him down he claimed to be a fundraising expert. But guess how much he gets from helping you fundraise?

He then started a Foundation called the which he instantly compared to the Rockefellers. Oh brother. If he repsonds to this he will claim that we are just a competitor. Trouble is HE HAS to be a legit company for us to be a competitor.

THis guy is the classic example of what not to believe on the Internet. Either he is a compulsive liar or suffering from BiPolar disease. Stay clear. TROUBLE to the MAX.

Company: CarWashGuys - Lance Winslow
Country: USA
State: California
City: Thousand Oaks
Address: 2219 E Thousand Oaks, Suite 115
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