Hsbc Auto Finance Co
Ruined my credit for paying off the car. I Still have no title and collectors still come to reposess the vehicle

Cars & Transport

I started paying for the car in 2006. I payed every payment in money grams because they would take more than one payment out of my bank account at one time. After three years of paying $567 on a 3 year note they say I still owe 20,000. I sent copies of the receipts so they would quit calling and send me the title. Needless to say four years later I owe over 30000 which is more than the origial note. The total amount of the reciepts I sent was 28,639. The balance was only for 24,534. So i payed over 3000 than I was suppose to and still have 30000 on my credit. I was raped by this company. I was violated in every shaped, form, or fashion. Do not go through this company. You will regret it.

Company: Hsbc Auto Finance Co
Country: USA
State: California
City: La
Address: 808 California Ave
Phone: 8008366469
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Hsbc Auto Finance
Car paid, lien released, title receieved, note marked paid and returned, still collecting money!

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Repossession after 2 delinquent months

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What the hell!

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Hsbc Auto Finance
HSBC Auto Accounts Inc., HSBC Motor Credit Inc., HSBC Auot Credit Inc., Household Accounts HSBC AUTO FINANCE. Money Scamers / Out of business in the USA / Thieves/Nasty disrespectful Idiots