Tim Kunselman
Lying Cheating Thief

Cars & Transport

We met this man because he called us to do some work at his place, yeah he Called Us and Won't Pay Us, I mean really what kind of business man is he. His Wife Rose too is full of Crap (S*T), she's just as bad. And the girl Lisa that works there, i feel sorry for her too, she has no idea unless she is family... Then of course that explains all the bullcrap she says about him too and how much she covers for him. Since day one he has lied saying he will pay us, day after day escuse after excuse it's Pathetic. This man is a Lying Theiving Son Of A B! *@* and won't realize what he has done to so many people until It Bites Him Back in The A$ and just so you know Tim, Karma is a B! *@*. And You're Total SCUM!!! He owes us over $2000.00 and just keeps being an A$ about it, he knows damn well who i am. He is a Poor Excuse of a Man and he deserves everything Bad that has and will happen to Him. Could this be Why He Seems Soooo UnHappy. Just remember Tim, One of These Days you will get everything you deserve and by that time it will be too late, you'll be crying for forgiveness. You will meet the wrong person one day and we will all be laughing at you because that's what you deserve. Just remember "Karma is a B! *@*!
Last Word, Go ahead and comment on what i've said just so you can justify your actions, but we all know Your Full of Crap (S*T)!!!

Company: Tim Kunselman
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 1359 S. 39th Ave
Phone: 6238483095
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Sun Valley Towing -Tim Kunselman
Tim Kunselman Tim Kunselman lets another family suffer due to his lies dont trust this man! He is pure evil

Hurricane Express Entire Steinart Family/all Employees
Everything that has been reported is true!

Jeff Foster -webbizideas.com
Jeff foster these crooks are still at it! Don't let them fool you! They are major crooks! Minneapolis mn 55426

Sun Valley Towing Tim Kunselman
Tim kunselman (sun valley towing) is a lying crook

Kshitij karma khadka
Karma karunesh ur name will haunt u karma cebu

Ecomwebsites LLC Michael Carter Michael Carter & Jesse Summerland Cheapgoodhosting
Decietful, caniving, pathetic, peice of crap. Sounded like he knew what he was talking about. But when it came down to it, their word and contracts where the same as what came out of their mouth... CRAP! Louisianna

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Zachary Singleton, Zach Singleton, Zach Sylvester Sex Offender! Scum of the Earth! Piece of Crap! Thief! Lying Scammer! Maggot! Louse!

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Consumer Report