Suspended license over swift school

Cars & Transport

Heres what i would like to no about. How can the DMV suspend your license over what a school did or didnt do. And why should the drivers that went to that swift school be held reliabel for what the school did wrong. And if the DMV has that much power does that mean they are GOD here on earth. Why shouldent they be held reliabel for what they did to all the truck drivers that this happen to and why didnt they shut down swift transport for good. Are they in cahoots with them or are they covering up for big buisness. The DMV and swift transport should be held reliabel for all damages to all drivers that where invalved. And is there going to be any justice for the people that got scured by the DMV and SWIFT transport. I would lik to no... My email is P.S. I guess we all have been scured by BIG BUISNESS!!! And the dmv better none as god here on earth...

Company: Dmv
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Denver
Address: usa
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