Aamco Transmissions
Aamco Transmission ripoff deceptive company

Cars & Transport

I have spoken with Judy in Customer Relation X355, but have not heard back from her. This location lied to me about how much it would cost to look at my car. My transmission went out on the afternoon of March 19th, so the following day I spoke to Tom at Aamco on the 20th who said that it would be 35.00 for towing and that he could look at it. I said okay, he towed the car to Aamco. I called 3 hours after car being towed. He stated that he had not had a chance to look at it, and that it would probably be tomorrow when he can, so I say okay.

I got a rental car in the mean time that cost me 45.00 per day to rent, because I live in Clearwater, and work in Tampa. So, then I call back on 21st at 10am, he still does not know, so I call back at 1pm, car still has not been looked at, so I get off at 4pm, and call again, he states car will be looked at tomorrow, because he is a week behind schedule. That was the first lie. He told me he could look at it the day it was towed in. So, Friday comes, and I speak to Tom again around 1pm, he states to me that he needs to do a Diagnostic test on it, and I ask for the cost he said up to 85.00 and that he needed my birthday for verification, I said okay, gave him my birthdate, and he said he would call back.

So, I call back he said that it would take sometime to do, and he would not know until Monday, March 27th the status. I call back Monday after 12pm, and spoke with Karl, Manager, who states that Tom is out sick. He stated that it would cost me almost 3000.00 to get my car fixed with a new transmission, and 1800.00 with a used one.

I told him that I would need to call back after looking around. I called back on Tuesday around 11 am, I had found a transmission location not too far from his shop to have my car fixed for less than 1000.00, Karl then tells me that I will be paying 1400.00 to get car fixed, meaning 1000.00 for other shop and 368.00 from them for looking at my car. I explained to him at that time that Tom never told me that it would cost me 368.00 just to look at the car, he told me it would cost up to 85.00, and that is how much I am prepared to pay. Karl basically told me that I was lying and that Tom never said that, and that I needed to pay 368.00 to get my car back.

I then called the Saint Petersburg Police Department, and had them complete an incident report. When the Police were there, Tom was there and he stated to me that he had to have told me the price of 368.00, I told him that that amount never came out of his mouth to me. Then Karl states that Tom has been here for however long, and that there is a script that they follow on every call, and that calls are recorded, I requested that he replay the tape.

He then stated that it is done through corporate. So, then they try to make a deal with me to get transmission fixed, which is still more then 1000.00. I said no, and had to go to Circuit Court to get a bond to get my car back. I now have possession of my car, and the car has been fixed.

Aamco never showed up in court, so my money was refunded back to me. The money that I spent in the rental car and the problems that one of their locations caused is unforgivable. I will never go to Aamco Transmissions ever again, and I will tell everyone I know the same. This company will lie, and that to me is not a company I chose to do business with.

Company: Aamco Transmissions
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Saint Petersburg
Address: 3353 5th Avenue South
Phone: 7273218586
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Aamco transmission
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Aamco Transmissions
Aamco transmission do not pay up front do not pay up front your car will never be fixed rip off crooks and have bad ownership and incompetent people. Bad place to tak your car to