Glassman AGS AZ LLC
Offered 500 free groceries for having them replace my windshield

Cars & Transport

I was offered $500 in free groceries or gas if I let this company replace my windshield. It sounded too good to be true so I asked a lot of questions. I was told that they were able to offer this due to the volumn the company did because of this promotion. Although they were not on my insurance company's preferred list, I went ahead with the offer. When I asked for my voucher after the replacement I was told it would be mailed to my within 7-10 days.
When it came it was not a voucher at all but a grocery rebate from MyTravel. The terms and conditions were unbelievable and unreasonable. I was to be reimbursed at $25 per month for 20 months and if I even made one small mistake in all the conditions, it became void. So I did everything I was suppose to do and made copies and notes of everything! That was over 30 days ago and I still am not being shown as registered. I tried calling several times and either got a fast busy or was on hold for up to an hour and finally hung up. I have sent several e-mails and received confirmation e-mails stating I will be contacted with in 24 hours. That has never happened. This is such a scam I cannot believe I fell for it. Please don't do anything that promises free food or gas money. Every company that uses My Travel knows how they are scamming the public. I will never believe differently.

Company: Glassman AGS AZ LLC
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 4006 S. 23rd St. Ste 4
Phone: 4803852502
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