Crescent Bank & Trust
The Worst Company To Deal With Ever!

Cars & Transport

This company is the worst ever to deal with. I am not late with my payment ever. I called them, because I had some questions about my account and was transferred to a representative. The first thing she assumed was that I was behind and that I wanted to make an arrangement, then proceeded to tell me, without stopping to hear what I wanted to ask her, "that all payments were expected to be on time". I asked her what she was talking about, and that my payments were on time. She proceeded to place me on hold and then came back and asked me what was my question. Talk about rude! I asked them for a print out of the history of my account to be mailed to me. She stated that she could send one. Guess what! I have yet to recieve one. I explained to her that i didnt think something was right with my account. I wanted a print out of what they had in their computer to compare with my records. This has been going on for almost 4 months. I have spoke to 3 people and all have been nasty, asking me "why do i feel that I need a print out, and that they can assure me that it's correct". I feel something is not right here, and i am beginning to get fed up.

Company: Crescent Bank & Trust
Country: USA
State: Louisiana
City: New Orleans
Address: P.O Box 60048
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Crescent Bank & trust
Crescent Bank &trust Crescent Bank rip off

Crescent Bank And Trust
Very poor customer relations. Not Business like at all

Crescent Bank And Trust
No integrity, rip off, set up, sneaky, nasty employees

Crescent Bank & Trust - Baton Rouge and New Orleans
Purchased my loan and never told me to start making my payments to them and now wonder where their payment is?

Crescent Bank And Trust
Crescent bank employees: rude, unprofessional, unorganized, need to close

Crescent Bank & Trust
Not applying payments, charging interest when not applying payments, repossessing vehicle without notice, not willing to discuss account. Victimized many consumers

Crescent Bank And Trust
Harrassment with little to no help when you talk to them

Crescent Bank And Trust In LA
Crescent Bank And Trust Don't Let Them Repossess Your Car!

Crescent Bank & Trust
Crescent Bank Customer Service rude and not willing to listen ripoff

Crescent Bank And Trust
Horrible to deal with always rude and calling our house even when we are not late