EasyCare Warranty
My engine was destroyed and EasyCare Warranty doesn't want to pay for the covered part

Cars & Transport

My engine was destroyed and I no longer have a working vehicle because Easycare Warranty which is an extended warranty company doesn't want to pay for the repairs to my car when the part that broke is covered by them. I no longer have a car because of this situation and this is hurting my ability to get to work and school.

I'm not rich and can't afford another car or to really replace my engine. I'm also still paying on the car which is sitting in my yard gathering dust. I tried to work with Easycare to come to some type of resolution, but it appears they are only out to take the money of hard working americans instead of honoring their contract like a reptuable business should. Since they don't want to honor their contract I have decided to take matters into my own hands.

So in an attempt to find some type of justice for my car and myself I'm posting this information here for everyone to read and for all of you to be the judge. I may not know a lot about cars, but I'm very versed in how to use the internet to gain leverage and if that's what I have to do then that is what I'm going to have to do. Here is the long story on how Easycare is screwing me.

On the morning of Feb. 5.09 I woke up and got ready to go to school just like any other morning. I walked out the house and got into my 2003 Mazda 6 which only has 40 something thousand miles on it and has been running great ever since I bought it from Rivertown Ford.

Rivertown Ford is also where I purchased the aftermarket warranty from Easycare as the car didn't have a factory warranty. I'm not a rich women so if something goes wrong with the car I like to make sure I'm protected.

Isn't it funny how the people who sold me the warranty at Rivertown Ford didn't mention that Easycare warranty is actually owned by Ford. I did some research and discovered they are owned in someway by Ford. They must have forget to mention that part to me since Rivertown Ford claimed they had no ties to Easycare warranty other then just selling the product when asked after the death of my car.

Okay, let me get back to what happened. As I got into my car everything went as it usually does for me. The car started fine and sounded fine. Well, I got maybe 3 to 5 miles away from where I live when the oil pressure light came on along with another warning light. This was surprising to me as I just got the oil changed a few months ago. I also recently checked the oil with my husband about a week ago and had a full thing of oil.

I really don't know much about cars so when this happened I called my husband who knows a little bit about cars as I figured he may know what was going on. I was at a stop light so I made the call and my husband advised me to pull over as soon as possible. This was made quite easy as I was just a few feet away from a local shopping center.

So once the light changed to green I pulled into the shopping center and parked the car. My husband said he would drive up the street and help me out. He said he would bring his father as well who he was with at the moment as he used to work on cars and may know what was going on with the car. So as I waited for my husband and father in law to arrive I decided to try and start the car since I turned it off and see if the warning lights were still on.

As I turned the key my engine didn't crank. It didn't do anything at all. So I just stopped trying and waited for my husband to arrive. Well, my husband arrived within just a few moments as we just live a few miles from the incident.

I told them it wouldn't crank and my husband and his father began to check the wiring under the hood, battery connections and etc. My husband tried to crank the car and nothing again. We know it wasn't the power because the lights would come on and etc. We just couldn't get the car to crank.

Well as my husband and my father in law were trying to figure out what was wrong my husband noticed a big pool of oil coming from my car. The oil was leaking from under the engine area. My husband asked me if I noticed this before and of course I said no. My husband mentioned the oil wasn't there a few moments ago and it appeared to just start leaking out as it wasn't there a few moments ago.

After some more investigating my husband believed that when the warning lights came on something cracked or broke releasing the oil. Eventually we had a huge puddle of oil and I have the pictures to prove it since Easycare claimed something else, but we'll get to that later. After seeing the oil my husband and father in law started to think the engine may have ceased due to the oil leaking out from some broken or fautly part.

Either way, the key point here is to know that the car had a full supply of oil as it all leaked out AFTER the car was parked. Since the car wouldn't crank I called a tow company which took almost 2 hours, but at least it got to the scene. I had the car towed to Rivertown Ford as my Easycare warranty mentions that is where it should be towed or something to that effect.

I got into my husband's car and we drove up to Rivertown Ford. I talked with the people there and let them know I had an Easycare warranty and told them what had happened. They said they would check it out and get back to me about what they find. They told me to call Easycare and let them know about the situation as well.

While I was upset my car was messed up, I felt okay knowing I had bought the extended warranty which was to cover me if something broke as long as it wasn't my own fault. I mean, I paid the money and invested in the warranty to provide me protection. Call me stupid, but I believe if you say you are going to be responsible for something and if I pay you a certain price then I believe they should be responsible.

Well I called Easycare Warranty and told them about the situation. They said they would send a inspector out to determine what happened and other things.in other words they were going to see what was wrong with the car, cost to repair, if covered and etc.

Well a few days went by and I eventually heard from Easycare Warrenty. This is where I started to get upset. They said the inspector claimed that the engine was destroyed as it ceased up due to a "lack of lube" which leaked out due to crack in the oil filiter housing cap.

So I asked them why my claim was being rejected and the customer rep told me the following "The claim is being rejected due to a lack of lube in the car". It's the responsibility of the owner to make sure lube and proper service is done to keep the car operating and running in the best condition possible."

This didn't make any sense to me or my husband as I explained the car recently had the oil changed and my husband just checked it with me the other day and it had a full tank of oil. I also explained that it had to have lube because all of it leaked out after the fact. I told them I had pictures of the whole thing.

The rep continued to say the claim was being rejected due to "lack of lube" which is bull because the car had oil in it. The engine only ceased up because the oil leaked out due to a crack in the oil filiter housing cap. Logic suggest you have to go from A to B to C not C, B and then A. Oil can only leak out if it has somewhere to leak out from. This is just simple logic, but I guess the inspector for Easycare lacks simple logic.

I asked them about all of this and they even mentioned that if the oil cap was faulty than the part is covered and any damages caused by that issue would be covered. So I told them I would call back and get in touch with Ford to see what they discovered as I was just to angry to deal with them. The company I trusted and am paying to protect me just screwed me.in reality as anyone who has dealed with these type of issues know it can become quite crazy as your running around and making phone calls left and right to make sure you have all the information needed.

So over the next few days a few different events happened. First I met with Ford and the mechanics showed me the crack in the housing. They brought the actual part out to me and I asked them what could cause this and they said with the Mazda 6 it can be caused by over torquing the cap by not using the proper tool or it could have had a hairline fracture in it for a while and over time it just ripped more and more to the point where oil leaked out.

One of the people who works for Rivertown Ford in the service department mentioned to me that she had seen over torqued parts before and this did not appear to be one, but said it's really hard to tell what could have caused the crack. It's not like you can just look at a broken oil cap filiter housing and say "Yep, this is broken from this cause."

This made me wonder and in the back of my mind I knew I needed to get some second opinions about this crack. Either way I thanked them for there help and after they gave me the paperwork they got from the inspector which wasn't much they also gave me a quote of $6,000 to replace the engine and all needed repairs.

Now that I talked to Rivertown Ford and got more information I decided to call Easycare Warranty back to get to the bottom of this whole mess. I called and spoke with another customer service rep and they just kept telling me it was denied based on "lack of lube". I then started to ask how did the inspector determine all of his findings and they just said we don't know and all we know is what his report says and etc.

I asked them how they know the difference between over tourquing and something being wrong from the beginning. They claimed they couldn't answer this. I asked them to send me over written statements and they couldn't do that either. The more I tried to explain that the car had oil and only leaked out due to a possible fauly part the more they said the claim was rejected because of lack of lube.

I told them about the over torquing which is something the inspector mentioned on his report and I said this isn't going
to be a problem because all I need is a written statement from Easycare with the proof that they are not responsible and that the Oil Change Company messed it up and I'll just go after them and they couldn't supply this information either.

So I asked to speak with an manager which took me a few days to get a hold of since all of them were out of the office, yeah right! Well finally I got a hold of the manager and told him the whole situation and he seemed to understand the situation a little better then the customer service reps. I explained how a lack of lube was impossible and the proof I had and asked him about the whole mystery of the oil cap. All I wanted was written statements or some type of proof to let me know that Easycare wasn't responsible for the repairs, but he could not help me.

When I asked about the oil filter housing cap the manager even mentioned to me that their is no way 100 percent to prove if the oil company caused it or if it was from natural causes and so they couldn't provide me a written statement. This makes me believe this is the reason they chose to go with Lack of Lube, but I bet they didn't expect for me to have proof the car had lube. This just made me so upset because basic human logic would make me say the following:

The car only loss its oil after the oil filter housing cap cracked which caused the oil to leak out. The crack could have been caused by natural wear and tear or an issue since the beginning or it could have been caused by being over torqued. If there was evidence of being over torqued then they should provide me the written statement or show me the evidence so I can go to the oil company that changed my oil a few months ago and demand they fix it. Since it's darn near impossible to determine this Easycare should payout for the repairs as they are being paid by me to fix issues with the car that I didn't cause.

This is just simple human logic and to be honest I have to question if Easycare has any logic at all! I even asked to speak with the inspector and was told I couldn't as I wanted to know how he came to his conclusions. Remember I'm not a unreasonable woman. If something was my fault or someone elses fault then so be it.

See, if you think about it from a logical point of view if they tried to deny it based on it being over-toqued they would have to prove it. Lack of Lube gives them an easy exit, well sort of easy as I'm fighting this to my last breath.

Here is my thing. If it was over torqued by the oil changing company then no problem. They would have been the ones to screw up and I would have went after them. All I needed was a written statement or some type of proof that proves 100 percent the oil company caused it. Easycare claimed they could not supply this info. When I asked them why, they dodged the question.

They can't give a written statement saying the oil company screwed up because they can't prove it. I could go to the oil company and complain, but all they will do is say they used the right tool and it must have been a messed up part which Easycare is suppose to cover. I'm paying Easycare to protect me and they should. Either way I got no where with the manager so I called back again later and spoke to someone else.

I'm very persistant and this time I got a whole different story from Easycare. I guess when the manager heard my story and about the proof I had they decided to change the story a little bit. Funny because I guess the fact that I told them I hired a lawyer, which I did may have caused them to change the story. The messed up part for them is I have all the paperwork.

I have every document I could get my hands on. I have names, quotes, statements and the people from Easycare who said all of it. After I spoke with someone else they changed the story to not being from Lack of Lube, but from being over torqued. I guess they feel this is a stronger case, but the fact remains they have to provide proof this is the case when it goes to court and believe me it will. I have requested aiburtrations, but my lawyer has assured me there are other ways to get passed all of this. Class Action lawsuit if possible and other aveunues if some type of agreement isn't reached.

I already told Easycare that the people at Ford didn't think it was over torqued. So I decided to get a few other expert opinions. I took it to a few different car repair shops that deal with Mazdas and all of them said in all honestly it's really hard to tell if the crack was caused by being over torqued, but in their opinions it didn't seem to be caused from over torquing which is caused by using a wrong tool because of the way the crack was formed and etc. They showed me a few caps that were over torqued from other mazdas and it didn't look anything like my cap.

So basically to wrap this up. Easycare doesn't want to cover my engine repair because they claimed it was caused by a lack of lube. Well that isn't true as the lack of lube was caused by a broken oil housing filter cap. Now this cap could have been broken from natrural causes, broken before I bought the car as it may have had a small crack which expanded over time because it is plastic/rubber based or maybe it was over torqued, but no one can prove it to me or provide me with any proof.

Easy care has changed their statement twice and it makes no sense. I have expert opinions from different mazda experts who say its very hard, if not impossible to tell if the crack was caused from over torquing. I have pictures to prove the car had oil, written statements from experts.

Once again, all I want is for Easycare to follow through on it's promise to cover a part they are responsible for.in good faith I bought a warranty from them and they are trying to go all around me on this issue. If they are not responsible then just provide solid proof and then its a done deal, but until then and until they pay for my engine I am going full force no matter how long it takes. Big companies think they can rip us off and no longer will I sit back and let people screw me over.

I am already in contact with the News about doing a story on Easycare as I did some research and others have been screwed by them just as I am being now. I have already contacted the BBB and waiting to hear back. I am starting up mulitple websites and blogs and working on some type of class action lawsuit with other people who have been ripped off. I don't think its actually called class action as I'm not the lawyer, but basically getting many people together who have been screwed and doing something legal about this issue.

I am willing to accept if Easycare would pay for half the price of my engine repair but I am not happy about it. I just think its plain wrong for these companies to take our money and never pay out and I'm not backing down. I have proof, they don't and they can't even provide me with anything giving a reasonable reason why I was rejected because of a Lack Of Lube which is just a joke.

If they would just payout and do correct business then the fallout from what is about to happen wouldn't have to occur. I'm very much about facts and reporting the truth and once again I admit if they could deny the claim based on logic and proof then no problem, but lack of lube and some theory of it being over torqued with no evidence to back it up is just funny.

Sorry so long, but I needed to tell my story. If you are reading this then please avoid this company at all cost. Easycare Warranty will take your money and not pay out if it's a big ticket item such as an engine. I know from other reports written on this site that Easycare doesn't do good business and I'm sure someone from their company will respond to this and that is fine. I'm always open to lines of communication and making things work out win-win, but unless they are willing to listen to the facts then my personal mission to inform every person I can about Easycare will continue.

Thank you for your time and if you have been screwed by a warranty company when you know your in the right please stand up for yourself. I lose an entire car because they don't want to pay out for something that is more then likely an issue they are responsible for. BTW, I did some research online and have discovered at least 43 other people who had cap filter failures. Maybe Mazda should do some checking! Trust me, they are on my list too.

Company: EasyCare Warranty
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Norcross
Phone: 8883279400
Site: easycare.com
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