Nationwide Relocation Services
False Advertising, Fraud

Cars & Transport

Fraud! The corporation provides reduced estimates, then does a "baitandswitch" with absurd costs they state have been in the fine-print of the agreement. The workers bully, rest and shout about the telephone. Richard Hirsch guaranteed to maintain the the cost he cited - the moment they got the $888 deposit, we were informed there will be a $650 taxi charge - then our buddy Rich turned belligerent, shouting the info was within the agreement. Wishing to obtain better therapy, we attacked boss after boss - just two, because they stated there have been no others we're able to speak with. We terminated our agreement instantly, plus they have declined to return our deposit - the deposit we settled centered on a DECEPTIVE, SHADY ESTIMATION. We're presently gathering info from prior clients and intend on seeking the corporation through the District Attorney. Should you want to engage, please contact

Company: Nationwide Relocation Services
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego
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Nationwide Relocation Services
Scam your deposit and then not show up!

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Fraudulent Moving Company

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Nationwide Relocation
Now you see them — now you don't

Commercial Lending Capital
Scammer of deposit fees

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Withdrawal of money without authorization

Nationwide Relocation
Poor Support and lies

Nationwide Relocation
Stole our money Fort Lauderdale Florida