Farmers Insurance Company Aka Mid-Century Insurance Company
Insurance Company wont pay full doctor bill of $5883 now collection agency wants $8287.50 plus fees Oklahoma City And Oklahoma and

Cars & Transport

On October 22 I was sitting at the Sonic eating. Putting my left foot on the brake, I turned to the right to read a sign. I noticed a young man starting to pull into a stall, then put it in reverse, gunned his pickup backwards and plowed into the side of my vehicle. He said he had changed his mind about where to park. Since I was sitting in a stall with my engine off, I could not do anything quick enough to avoid the impact. I was not unconscious, but remember being very disoriented. I got out of my vehicle and went around to the passenger side to get a pen to get his information, but I had to do it several times because I could not remember what I was going to do once I got to the other side and things were blurry.

Returning home I started feeling ill at my stomach and started getting a headache. Later my neck started hurting and I could not turn my head to the right. My left ankle and hip then started hurting and it hurt to walk so I started going to a chiropractor.

On December 13 a Mr. David x from Farmers called to say they were only going to pay part of my medical bills based on the amount of damage done to my vehicle. My bills were $5638, they wanted to pay only $5089, I told him that was not acceptable, that all I wanted was for my bills to be paid, I wasn't asking for a big settlement, but I felt they needed to pay my bills since I was fine before the accident.

I hired an attorney who I found out later had asked for $15,000 to settle. They filed a lawsuit, then dropped it, but of course filed a lien for their share of the settlement, which was not even going to pay all my doctor bills, and of course now no other attorney will take the case so I can get my doctor bills paid. I now also have a collection agency wanting $8287.50.

I also contacted the Oklahoma Insurance Commission to no avail. I believe they are all in this together. They only raised the offer by $700 when contacted by the attorney, so I feel the attorney should only get his % from that amount only.

I was off work for three months in pain, but was not asking for compensation for that. When I was notified that they were not going to pay all my doctor bills, I knew I could not pay them, so I had to get a release and quit going. Shortly after I quit going, the pain and stiffness became much worse. I am still having trouble remembering things and my neck and back still give me trouble. I have found another chiropractor that has been treating me when it gets so bad I can't stand it anymore and he is not bugging me about paying on time. Because of all this I feel like now I should be entitled to a settlement of much more than offered, just because of the frustration, pain and suffering I have had and am still having because of someones carelessness. Connie, Oklahoma City, OK

Company: Farmers Insurance Company Aka Mid-Century Insurance Company
Country: USA
State: Kansas
City: Overland Park
Address: 10985 Cody Street, Suite 135
Phone: 9132343529
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Farmers Insurance Company Aka Mid-Century Insurance Company
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