Wells Fargo
Bad service

Cars & Transport

I got a car loan from Wells Fargo in the Fall of 2007.By July they were calling me to tell me that every payment has been late. I sending in payments a month before they were due. They told me it was my fault, they didn't care and it was my responsiblity. I told them I had no control over the post office. They said they didn't care. They would call me up to 5 times a day. Even after I already spoke with them. One lady would yell at me all the time. When I spoke to the supervisor, he just kept threatening me that my car would be repocessed. I told him I didn't care and would gladly take it to a bank. Then he would turn around and say no, don't give it up it's bad for your credit, then turn around and threaten to take it. I told him to make up his mind, if I wanted to give it up then they'll have to deal with it. I still have it and struggling payments. I told them I had lost my job and they just didn't care. I told the supervisor that they were crooks and only in fees thus wanted it towed and not taken in. I told him I was tired of being yelled at. I was tired of being harassed. I was tired of telling those people to stop calling 5 times a day and yet they still did it! I applied for automatic withdrawl so I don't have to pay the 10 phone fee and they denied it. They said pay online, I told them I don't always have internet. Personally, I feel the purposely hold payments. Why did they make a profit? Because they are crooks. They charge rediculas fees. I had somebody commit fruad on a checking account I had with them once, and they still made me pay it. Personally, Wells Fargo still owes me $800. But i'll never see it because thiefs don't return stolen money.

Company: Wells Fargo
Country: USA
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